Nerf the pachy
The pachys are too strong, they really ruin the Game at the moment. We cant play Alio, metri, cerato or even daspleto. You cant run from them, even with speed alio, they have way more stamina, and often they super laggy. Most Players noticed that the pachy is so strong, because of that there are too much pachy players.
Comments: 5
19 Jun, '23
HobbsHonestly the main issue with oachys is how laggy they are - and pachy players know this and use it to their advantage - once that gets fixed most problems will disappear.
27 Jun, '23
FffpppHerbis in general need to be nerfed. They’re faster and have more stam than carnivores, even though carnivores are built for running….
28 Jun, '23
RavenwizardThe problem is their charge ability. It should have a way higher cooldown. Also it should do less knock back. It’s honestly such an overpowered ability.
12 Sep, '23
Hunty33No matter what you are, herbi or carni, adult or juvenil, the pachy will always charge you and kill EVERYTHING in sight! Even thalasso!!! they follow them on the ground and wait for the bird to rest! And most of the time they oneshot! The only time i've been able to escape those little turds was with my suchominus because I went into the water. Everybody will say this, pachy are annoying, and it makes me sad because it's a dino I love but those really kill my joy :(
05 Dec, '24
DauntlessOwl2011Dudes solo patchy can kill metri, alio,cerato, and dasp, and u rarely find pachycephalosaurus and charge already has a high cooldown and pachy is already is nerfed and just because I don’t like the Dino does not mean it needs to be nerfed. That mean next time a Dino kills u. U want to get it nerfed soon almost every Dino’s I’ll get nerfed.