Extreme survival game mode
This would be similar to the basic game mode we are all familiar with. But this would be kinda like the HARD MODE for the game.
along with worrying about food and water you would also have to worry about DISEASE, COLD/HOT WEATHERS, diseased food sources, poisoned water sources, DROUGHTS, lightning storms, small meteor showers, SNOW, and other EXTREME WEATHER.
COLD WEATHER: you would move slower and your hunger would drain much faster.
HOT WEATHER: you would dehydrate faster and could find relief in dense forests. If you are in an open field maybe even take health damage.
Eating rotting food/poisoned water or diseased players could make you sick and make food and water drain faster along with giving attack buffs and defense de buffs.
RABIES OUTBREAK!! oh no suddenly a player has rabies. They get a major buff to attack and debuff to defense. The disease spreads rapidly and can eventually kill you by draining food and water extremely quickly. But you can survive!