seasons , floods, droughts, storms and other natural disasters.
You should make it so that there are seasons, droughts, and floods. This would make the game more immersive and overall more fun. It would also make it so that both ground and water animals would have to relocate to either other bodies of water or to higher ground. same with storms. It would add more immersion and make the game more realistic. There could be different types like lightning storms, blizzards, rainstorms, and tornados. It would be cool to make them interact with the environment. For example, trees that get struck by lightning would be black and broken and when they do get struck by lightning they would be on fire for a short amount of time. Or there could be lots of rain and that would cause a flood. There could also be forest fires that damage players and AI animals in them and after the fires, all the trees There should also be more rivers on Panjura so that the flooding would be more realistic, and when there is a drought aquatic players could move easier.
Comments: 3
05 Feb, '24
BobthesniperAnother thing this this could come with is moving trees for when large dinosaurs are moving through them.
25 -
14 Jun, '24
icymicyI've been wanting this for a while, it would greatly welcomed. They could also do a hybrid of both weather seasons and the way that other games do seasons. Minus a "battle pass," it would be cool if during, for example, a rainy season or drought, along with the map and weather changes that will occur, it also changes a number of quests in game. This would be taking into account the complete rework of quests that they are working on currently. If we had to change the way we quest because of a season change, it would add a level of immersion in my opinion.
13 -
23 Nov, '24
ScreemyI would LOVE to see dynamic server events, like monsoons, tornadoes, and the occasional meteor showers. They could even tie in a new weather system with the new quest system, by having players have quests that require them to go into a storm and gather certain materials (like meteor fragments) for large amounts of growth and marks. The server events can cause status effects, damage, lowered vision amongst other things. It would also encourage people to move around the map, to avoid said storms. Tornadoes can occur in GP, GV, GH, IC and RH. Monsoons can occur in ocean biomes and meteor showers can occur rarely in any biome, but have increased chances in GP, IC, HT and WC (white Cliffs). And to announce an event, the sky in the affected biome can change colors. For status's, Meteors would damage dinosaurs greatly upon impact. Tornadoes would also damage dinos, but restore all water and food sources in biome afterwards. Just some ideas 💡