Server Option: Allow any dinosaur diet/type to group
This would allow server customizability; the ability to mixpack/group as any dino would allow for more varied server customization and allows "clan wars" style servers to thrive where large battles can take place without worries of friendly fire.
Comments: 3
23 Mar, '23
KupkakeNote that I am not exactly Pro-Mixpacking/KoS, but having servers where large groups can form and purposefully raid and rage large scale wars on each other not only gives them a place where they can do what they want to do in community servers, but can potentially help curb the rampant mega-clans hanging around officials that like to play different diet teams and lord over large swaths of land.
23 Mar, '23
EnochThat sounds like a bad idea but a clan system and clan war matches do sound good but I don't think that carnivore players and herbivore players should be able to be in the same clan. Cause if you put carnivore players and herbivore players in the same clan then carnivore players could exploit the clan idea by leaving a clan while near a herbivore player that is part of the clan the carnivore player was in and then immediately attack and kill the herbivore player for a trophy and/or food. And the other reason It could be exploited is the fact that carnivore players could help their fellow carnivore players get food or trophys by telling other carnivore players where there fellow herbivore clan members are.
27 Mar, '23
Kupkake@Enoch this is why I suggested a SERVER OPTION, not an official one. Besides, clans are likely to have tight knit communication outside the game (Discord, Party Chat) and don't bother respecting group size nor diet limitations anyways, so it's unlikely this would happen in a situation that would matter in a meaningful way anyways. Clans are likely just going to want to PVP with adults and trophies are meaningless if the server doesn't have growth or homecaves.
There is every reason to add this for customization's sake, such as RP or Deathmatch/Clan War style servers.