Trample Damage & Friendly fire on babies
Trample damage is insane on some dinos such as Styracosaurus. You touch one of your own babies even coming out of a run and they drop over dead from full health just by tapping into their sides or tails. Sometimes you don't even see them near you on your screen due to ping.
Friendly fire in general should be removed or nerfed on pack members adolescent or younger so that you can properly defend them without killing them yourself.
I get that it's more 'realistic' but irl animals don't deal with ping, tick rate and janky hit boxes.
Comments: 2
20 Jul, '23
Rice Man StanI agree, I didn't expect to get trampled by my party member because I can't zoom far enough out to see where they are, without having to rapidly rotate the camera angle constantly whilst zooming around. IRL you have a natural situational awareness, in games things rendered outside the screen space essentially do no exist. Getting stood on by someone in your party wastes time, especially when they turn and don't know how their legs work, because they're not looking at their legs.
4 -
28 Sep, '24
DinoI got trampled once by a baby Rex as an adult Laten and I was much farther than even his head! I feel like trample damage is cool, it just needs some nerfs/help