Nerf styracosaurus
I am playing an allosaurus and there is one herbivore that really stands out that everyone is playing because it is just simply that good. styracosaurus outruns anything, it does very desent damage, there is just no way as an allosaurus I can ever have a chance against that dinosaur. There is no question about it... So please nerf them. I would propose to reduce their stamina so that at least as an allosaurus I can run away from them. Now I cannot even run away from them. I can only pray not to come accross an aggressive one.
Comments: 3
24 Feb, '23
VarisAbsolutely! It’s crazy how much stamina herbis have. Not only that, but they have powerful attacks and tanky health. Plus they’re super fast to boot? There’s a reason I use herbis for pvp. They’re super op. Honestly poor Allo need a buff too lol.
10 May, '23
KatieI've seen plenty of allos take down stys it's all about how you play and plan
30 Jun, '24
BeauNuggetthat’s definitely a play style problem lol. the allosaurus is definitely strong enough to take down an styracosaurus if you just plan and use abilities accordingly. I hate how whenever people want a nerf for herbis it’s only because they don’t have the skill to hunt them 😭 all herbivores should not be weak enough to be hunted by every dinosaur. it takes a lot of practice being able to hunt big/strong herbivores.