Insectivore rework

17 votes

Insectivore rework
The main idea being adding a few things, mud pool around the maps of gondwa and panjura, being massively spread out and with great options for self defense visibility and space or small spaces. The next thing is the ability to place bugs into these mud pools to start a colony(with three tiers, T1 being the smallest and most tedious, T2 being more forgiving and better overall, T3 making for great production and heavily capable of feeding for 3+) and the ability to feed these colonies/keep an eye on their stability. This small introduction will INSTANTLY improve gameplaye for one of the worst metabolisms and encourage pvp and turf wars like never before (and if the stability his 20 below the colony disperses). Things one can feed a colony: nuts, flowers, twigs, roots, salt(though this will slow stability increase, and too much can hurt the colony)

Under consideration Game Mechanic Map Feedback Suggested by: Yeel Upvoted: 20 Jan Comments: 1

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