Buff Iguanodon!
I and many others have had just about enough of Iguanodon being an unviable dinosaur! Iguanodon is my personal favourite herb and i want to be able to enjoy playing as it!
First and foremost Iguanodon needs serious mobility buffs! It’s walking and trotting speed are way to slow, it’s stamina drains way too fast and it’s stamina recovery while walking is a joke! As a result it can’t escape almost anything!
It is just completely illogical for a strong, agile looking semi quadrupedal herbivore to loose stamina as fast as it does! As a result it can’t outrun or escape anos, trikes and Rex’s! It should be able to escape most if not apex’s at the very least!
Please help this dinosaur!
Also please bring back iguanodons old quadrupedal run animation as it looked so good! If that causes issues with the thumb spike attack consider giving iguanodon a stance toggle similar to the modded pera! That way it can toggle to bipedal stance and attack with both thumb spikes.
Comments: 7
06 Feb, '23
Alley fosterI absolutely agree with this. I personally love iguanadons because of the movie dinosaur, so it’s my go to whenever I play. Wish they would add another defense buff and 100% agree with the running and Stam ITS TERRIBLE and needs an upgrade
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06 Feb, '23
PurringAngelYes! Iggy is entirely inviable right now. And I agree 100%, the quad run suited it way more than the bipedal run!
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06 Feb, '23
Lisa HerringAlso give its 4 legged run back! This dino has been given a great diservice!
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08 Feb, '23
JackoYes Iggy needs a buff for sure, out of all the Dino’s in the game Iggy and amargasaurus are the most useless, all Iggy needs is a stam buff, amarg is another can of worms but at least fix Iggy
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09 Feb, '23
DomimimusYes I definitely agree that Iguanodon deserves a base stat overhaul. Its damage is nothing spectacular and it's about as durable as cardboard so it should definitely at least have lots of stamina to give it a unique and universal playstyle without being as formidable as something like an Eotriceratops. Also stance toggling is a great idea that I'd love to see in Lambeosaurus as well!
17 Feb, '23
NameCant understand why the devs ignore iggy and our opinions about iggy for so long...
15 Dec, '24
Zar ‘OkramaiThey actually checked this as sone and then nerfed it like crazy in the very next patch….That’s wild..