Nerf small raptors
I just watched a little Laten get an adolescent Rex to extremely low health. That’s a little bit ridiculous. I tried to help the Rex by attacking the raptor with my sub adult Pachy, but the raptor killed me. The Latens and Deins do way too much damage. Plus, I was way bigger than it. The raptor wasn’t even that great of a pvper. I landed way more hits on him than he did on me. I think Path of Titans should have a weight based combat system. A raptor should die in one hit. There’s no way it would be able to tank a bite from a huge Rex or a headbutt from a Pachy.
Comments: 7
02 Feb, '23
Light WielderWhat I got. That that Laten was an amazing fighter or you were both bad. There already is a weight based system, but there is locational damage. So it sounds like you hit him in the tail a bunch. He most likely bled you all out and you guys did not notice. Anyway thanks for the laugh, I enjoyed the read.
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24 Feb, '23
Reply to LightI’m not sure if you’re aware of hit boxes or how they function, but the laten and dein have hit boxes that are difficult to target. This can bug out the trample damage, and make it not work. Plus the server lag is also a factor. I’m guessing you lack experience with pvp on official servers. That’s ok, but you probably should have thought more before you assumed what happened in the fight. I definitely hit the Laten more on its head than it hit me. The locational damage was in my favor, but I guess the difference between sub adult and adult is drastic. It seems like an adult raptor can kill any sub of another species. I tried out the raptors myself and was able to kill a sub pyco, allo, sarco, and spino.
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24 Feb, '23
TyrantSpinoPVPI tried kosing with a Laten and it was super easy. Was able to take out sub adults of literally everything else. I’m surprised the trample damage doesn’t work with subs. Or maybe I’m just that good lol. To be fair though, that probably isn’t realistic. The chickens do need a nerf. I’ll miss being able to kill everything as a bird though.
24 Feb, '23
SkillzIssueGGAs someone who plays the game primarily for pvp, I have to agree with you here. I’ve been playing the raptors recently and they’re super effective against everything else. The only ones who don’t want raptors nerfed are those who aren’t good at pvp. Anyone who actually knows how to fight will probably agree with you here. Nothing can hit you under their feet because of the lag and collision issues. The trample damage doesn’t seem to work very well either, at least with younger dinosaurs.
24 Feb, '23
PaxtonTotally agree with you! The raptors have always been ankle biters. I’ve been playing PoT since combat was first released and everyone stayed at Riverland. Always hated deinos and latens. The collision and lag makes it difficult to hit them under your feet. Tbh raptors shouldn’t even be able to damage larger dinos, once they’re sub adults.
24 Feb, '23
RazorturtleMaybe instead of the little guys being nerfed, the devs could fix the hit boxes and collision. I think that’s why it’s difficult to kill raptors. They just stay under your feet and bite you. The trample doesn’t work very well so you can’t hit them. Also the location damage is completely broken. Raptors can’t even reach vital locations, they just bite feet.
27 Feb, '23
EnvirobridgeI think the best way to combat this is have rexes be much faster when adol and then slowly get slower once they hit sub. This would mimic the way that Rexes changed niches during their development irl. In addition, letting trample hurt significantly lighter subs and adults would help as well. Also maybe put a charge ability on larger Dino’s that can trample smaller Dino’s?