List of official servers

15 votes

Obviously there's already a list of the community servers, but it would be nice to have a list of joinable official servers as well so that people are able to pick and choose which groups they want to surround themselves with. Any other PVP online game has this already implemented. Using ARK as an example, they are self-policing when you have a good server - where "alpha tribes" will essentially make sure that there is no one killing off new players who are in NO WAY a match for the people who have been there a while, etc.

While KOS makes sense in terms of carnivores needing to eat, there's a BIG difference between whole groups of mix-packers just running rampant across the server and killing all the babies for no reason? I've read a few suggestions that say causing people to LOSE growth over killing when not hungry (or as a herbivore) would be a good way to curb a little bit of that.

That way people can just avoid servers where this exists.

Under consideration UI and HUD Suggested by: Turbulent Upvoted: 17 Nov, '24 Comments: 2

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