Nerf Anky
The Anky is the only creature that is capable of completly smashing a Rex, I don't want the Rex to be op but normally if a dino is stronger he is also slower, ankys can ez chase a rex down and then play with him like a doll, as soon as you see an Anky as a Rex you are done. Ankys are way too OP
Comments: 6
10 Feb, '23
TheHobbyistTAno's are a tank, which is fine it fits. But the fact that they can tank a lot, run fast for a long time, and regain stamina and health faster than most dinos in their weight class is definitely OP. At the very least they need a stamina nerf and a Nerf on how fast their health regenerates.
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11 Feb, '23
MewoI don't agree. The Ano, (not anky btw) is fine.. it's balanced by a very very slow stam and health regen rate and it's inability to move when hunkered.
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11 Feb, '23
MewoLiterally you can just walk away from a hunkered down ano bro
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11 Feb, '23
AzynAno's are definitely just an unfair dino to fight. They can defense call, hunker, and out stam any apex. There is no way to fully counter it unless u have other anos. It makes the less enjoyable.
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16 Feb, '23
snakeI agree with the Ano being OP, which makes it the favorite choice for KOS players. I've never come across a Ano/Anky that doesn't immediately kill me whether I'm a carnivore or not. The Ano has broken bones back to back, while my rex has a minute thirty cooldown. While having better defensive capability is understandable, it still takes way too long to kill or apply any effective damage. The Ano can effectively chase and kill large apex while barely getting scratched, and it's become a problem where too many people are making ano hunting groups and killing everything.
01 May, '23
TokkxYou even cant run away, cause they are fast and can bb u 40 sec. Its stupid. Nic to see a tank but op for sure