Give Iguanodon A Quadrupedal & Bipedal Stance Toggle Ability Instead Of Charge Attack
I love POT’s Iguanodon but I can’t help but feel that it has wasted potential. I miss the old run animation & it needs buffs.
I recommend getting rid of Iggy’s charge attack (as it’s kinda useless) & replacing it with a stance change toggle. This would make Iggy much more viable, unique and fun to play. Here is how it could work!
For the quadrupedal stance, bring back the old run animation as it was fun to use, scientifically accurate, & very polished looking. In this stance Iggy can run way faster, has way more stamina & can jump, but can’t use its thumb spike attack & can only use its bite and tail attacks.
For the bipedal stance keep the new animation but allow Iggy to use both right and left arms for thumb spike attacks. As for which arm attacks when, perhaps have it be dependant on camera angle or enemy position. In this stance Iggy has less stamina & isn’t as fast but does way more damage! A small buff to its thumb spike attack might be necessary.
Comments: 15
08 Dec, '22
Zar 'OkramaiIt doesn’t have to be exactly like it is here but I think at the very least Iguanodon needs a to be able to attack with both hands, needs a stamina buff and it needs to have a quadrupedal run animation. This dinosaur is very bad in its current state! It can’t escape from from battles and can’t win them either! I want to play a cool hadrosaur duel welding hand daggers and a big powerful tail not a meat waggon.
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09 Dec, '22
Meg mainI think Iguanodon is just fine as it is, maybe a little less stamina drain
15 Dec, '22
vWolfeeGreat idea, sounds like a lot of fun, hopefully they implement this, they already have the quadrepedal running animation like you said, too, so I hope they put this change into the game, also, if I'm not wrong, this would be a new mechanic, which is always a fun addition. One of the things I like about The Isle is the fact that their updates constantly bring new mechanics to the game, so I really hope the PoT devs like this idea, like I do.
15 Dec, '22
Midwest DinosIn the very least, Iggy needs to have its stamina drain reduced. The rest of the stated idea would make Iggy truly unique in its play style, which would be amazing. While that would be a most welcome thing, simply reducing its stam drain would at least bring it up to a playable status.
15 Dec, '22
Dr. TeaRexAssuming the two stances have different capabilities it could be an interesting design and set Iggy apart from the likes of Lambeosaurus and younger Barsboldia. I definitely think that at the very least, even if this entire concept is thrown out, it needs more stamina, and lower stamina drain. The fact that it neither has the stam to run nor the staying power to fight against threats its own size is problematic, and a major disappointment compared to how it was early on, where mid-tiers genuinely had to fear picking a fight with a competent Iggy player.
16 Dec, '22
Raptor RedIguanodon is absolutely not fine as it is, the fact that you never see them is proof of that. It gets shredded by nearly every other animal in the game so long as the player is mildly competent, there's also currently nothing unique about it to make people want to play it over vastly superior choices such as Lamb or, especially, Bars. I'm not saying Iggy needs to be as good as bars, but there absolutely needs to be encouragement to play it, if it remains an inferior near clone of the other large herbis, it will surely languish in the position of 'Absolutely Never Played unless by people who already love Iguanodonts'
Even if this particular suggestion isn't implemented, when the devs have some time something is definitely in order. -
18 Dec, '22
Zar 'OkramaiAt the very least just bring back the Quadrupedal run animation and lower iggy’s Stamina drain substantially! Please do this as soon as possible by the way!
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12 Jan, '23
Zar 'OkramaiI saw that the modded parasaurolophus has a bipedal and quadrupedal stance change toggle set as the crouch button! That would be perfect for Iguanodon!
More damage and attacks with both hands in bipedal and faster, more stamina in Quadrupedal mode! This is a perfect idea for Iguanodon and would totally fix the dinosaur.
Just make sure to significantly buff its stamina, and maybe damage across the board and bring back the old beautiful Gallup animation. Balance so that iggy can escape fights it can’t win but be able to 1v1 all the mid tiers and do more damage to apex’s. Iggy is my favourite dinosaur to play even though my favourite dinosaur is rex. -
01 Feb, '23
IAmCorrineIggy does need a quad stance like the PT para mod. Iggy's stam does need fixed. I think iggy needs to be able to use both of it's thumbs. Have it where it is in the quad stance give it the ability to front kick but have it stab it's opponent with both of its thumbs. there should a cooldown of course. I agree the charge ability is useless. I hate how they did my favorite dinosaur. Iguanodon is my favorite herbi. I only play the PT para mod because I just can't play iggy that's how bad they did it.
18 Mar, '23
DuralWell, Iguanodons were animals that would rather flee than fight. Scientists also found, that Iguano herds probably migrated over thousends of Kilometers which all indicates that they must have had enormous amounts of Stamina. So the game did the exact opposite of that. Iggy Stam needs to be fixed and i love the idea with quad and bipedal stance toggle btw.
19 Apr, '23
BunnyBooI totally agree that the Iguanodon should move on 4 legs when running normally and 2 with an ability. Iguanodon does not have weak forelimbs, they are very strong for a reason. Just imagine if a horse or a dog ran on 2 legs, this is just as inappropriate as it is now in the game.
Next, the Iguanodon really needs more stamina, I would say a lot more. That it can't escape any apex is just awful. -
15 May, '23
sugmaHonestly this idea makes Iggy a really unique and interesting playable compared to the rest right now and would also give it a unique playstyle unlike any official dinosaur at the moment compared to the other medium , large herbivores
31 Aug, '23
ShinyBlueDragonI agree, I LOVE the IGGY I would main it more if they gave it more love that it clearly deserves, The stam drain is awful, it should be able to attack with both hands.
29 Oct, '24
Jiggy AdminIguanodon now can walk bipedally with it's recent TLC! Thank you for your feeback.
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29 Oct, '24
Zar 'OkramaiThank you guys for doing this! I feel like all my feedback has been listened to and it’s led to my favourite playable reaching its near full potential! I love it so much from the gallop to the tail attack to the new thumb barrage! I feel no need to play any other dinosaur now as iguanodon is truly perfect! Except maybe if camptosaurus gets its tail atttack back then I will play that.
Thank you guys so much! This TLC feels so personally tailored to me and so lovingly created! My deepest thanks to the entire dev team that made this perfect TLC!