Amargasaurus needs a buff
Amargasaurus has being claimed by scientists to be as fast as an Rhino.
I think it needs a speed buff for sure or it just needs to get its thick hide replaced by armor hide since the spikes and the skin across the spikes can actually count as some sort of defensive armor.
I have heard that it is also getting knockback, but only in its tail and dont get me wrong thats good but I think for something thats using basically it whole body to use its neck to defend its self the neck attack also needs to get knockback but not as much as the tail tho, but also the tail does less damage than the neck attack so people just ass ride you since amargas turning speed is also slow and the tails attack range is also bugged and it doesnt hit targets which are small and bitting its back legs when they are under its tail.
Health wise I think it needs a little (a very little) hp buff but overall if they can do this its gonna be a much more enjoyable dino to play as.
Comments: 8
31 Dec, '22
PeriodttPlease God 🙏🏾
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14 Feb, '23
DomimimusAmargasaurus is definitely in need of some love overall but I think the most necessary improvement would be to its mobility. If a Tyrannosaurus sees you, you are essentially at the mercy of the player piloting it. Although this may have been true to life, I still think it's a cause for change.
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04 Mar, '23
WolfgangWolvesIt really does
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04 Apr, '23
Jesse MillerI would say increase tail attack or increase both defense and speed by a smudge
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13 Apr, '23
ModestMelonI LOVE Amargasaurus in this game, it’s vocals are some of the best, animations are amazing and characteristic, it’s just such a shame it literally sucks, if any Apex hears or sees you it’s pretty much game over, most other playables have the choice to either outrun, or outfight, Amarga has neither… it really needs a speed buff, and better health or armour. The only chance I get to play it is in specific community servers where they’ve given it a speed buff so I actually have a chance of playing it for more than 30 minutes
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01 May, '23
TokkxAnd the weight! A sauropod should be the heavyest something far and wide! 9k+
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05 Sep, '23
VinĂciusAmargasaurus needs speed
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03 Nov, '23
RedI really wanted to play this Dino. I got one to adolecent but then I changed the sex by mistake and went back down 5 bars and then I got killed and lost few more and went below Juvi. I just dont see the point of playing it now. Hours of sneaking around to finish quests and then two Megs Juvios themselves tore me up with Poison and I couldnt escape doing the go to waypoint quest. sigh.