Buff The Pycno
The Pycnonemosaurus as it stands is far too weak, its damage isn't good enough to justify the abysmal defence and the distinct lack of any add ons means that its base stats are the only option which means that anything with even moderately similar stats has a significant chance of killing it, I have died countless times to creatures as small as deinonychus due to the already poor hitboxes but that's not exclusive to the pycno, what is however is the oversight, the creature is clearly presented as a rival to the pachycephalosaurus but hasn't even held up in a 1v1 due to the aforementioned lack of defence and mediocre damage.
Ultimately I think that the Pycnonemosaurus deserves the respect all other dinosaurs have received and deserved either better stats or alternative options and would appreciate it if buffs were added in the near future.
Comments: 6
18 Nov, '22
DinodragonusPycno definitely needs the thick and thin hides, the base hide doesn't seem to do the pycno any favors. As is it's fast but it doesn't have the defense to last against a lot of upper mid tiers, its speed is really the only thing that saves if a fight goes badly. It's charge does good damage though and against larger targets it can be nasty but I'm not sure you'd be able to last long enough in a fight to finish them off. I think just giving pycno hides to allow players to invest in even more speed or add in some defense will make them a lot better. Pachy currently has hides and it is very successful because of it.
19 Nov, '22
Isaiah WilsonPycno can be face tanked by a juvi rex
19 Nov, '22
HenryVery well explained!
19 Nov, '22
LeanneI see the frustration but pynco wasn't an apex predator. It was large yes, but only weighed 4 tons. They lived in dense forests away from other large dinos. They ate small to mid sized animals.
I think the idea in game was that its a glass cannon, should deal sizable damage to mid tiers but should not be tanky.
I think a damage and speed buff maybe but mid defense nothing more. -
06 Dec, '22
DinodragonusWith the nerf to charges out I think Pcyno could definetly use a damage buff to its headbutt and bite.
18 Mar, '23
BerserkPotatoeIt took me three weeks to get my pycno to adult because of how squishy it is I finally got there and now he is going to stay in the homecave until he gets buffed otherwise I don't want to risk that progress, I've been almost adult three times and have been spawned in areas where I've gotten jumped within 5 Seconds of spawning and with as squishy as the pycno is if you don't get the first hit then you might as well just lay down and let it happen