Public events or games

4 votes

Maybe a select region could be chosen per period of time and whoever is in that region can participate in the event. Maybe it could be something like;

collect the most glow shrooms and get the usual 1 mark for each collected and a mark reward for getting 1st place.

find the lost Rex eggs. Get a couple marks per egg found so no one “loses” and a mark reward for finding the most when they’re all collected.

DINO RACES could be very very cool. Maybe a select track or region where pvp and stamina drain is off for the time the event takes place.

Killing a boss Dino spawn as a community.

I saw another post saying to make a player an alpha and that’s not what I’m suggesting. An AI boss spawn would be ideal. Alpha Rex and alpha trike would be cool.

The region of any “public event” would have to have pvp turned off so everyone could participate until the events completion.

Under consideration Game Mechanic Game Mode Suggested by: PriestessAthena Upvoted: 25 Jul, '23 Comments: 1

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