Enhanced Senses Ability.

7 votes

I had an idea for an ability the other day that I shared with some others in the General chat on discord.

I had the idea that some carnivores, (and perhaps herbivores for defence), could have enhanced hearing, or a visual indicator as to where footsteps are when sitting or laying down. It would take up an ability slot and wouldn't be available to every playable, (or maybe it could be if its fair), perhaps taking up a head slot, or a new slot could be made for senses.

It would work simply like this; when laying down, footsteps around you, and in the distance are louder, and therefore easier to hear where they're coming from, perhaps it could have a visual indicator for hearing impaired individuals, similar to how Fortnite handles that part of their accessibility options.

Even if you don't upvote this please leave a comment telling me why you do or do not like this idea.

Under consideration Suggested by: Saitins Upvoted: 04 Oct, '22 Comments: 0

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