Berserker Call for Metriacanthosaurus

66 votes

The Berserker Call would be an ability akin to Eotrike’s Sharpen Horns but with a twist. Upon activation it would give your Metri the following Pros and Cons

Pros: 100% more damage/status effects(bleed,venom) done to enemies. 15% more speed and turn to give you the ability to avoid attacks. Slightly reduced cooldowns on all attacks.

Cons: 150% more Damage/status effects taken.

It would last 1 minute and 20 seconds with a 6 minute cooldown. This call would be unique and it would also call back to the Perk Owner’s suggestion of making Metri a Glass Cannon. This ability I think would achieve this.

Under consideration Suggested by: King Titan T57 Upvoted: 09 Jan Comments: 3

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