Combat/Insta logging
Lately there has been a big increase in people instantly logging out/disappearing mid fight or chase if they are losing. The most likely scenario is that they are eithee Alt+F4 or crashing their game somehow to not die, but also in one case we found they had simply been way-stoned by a friend. I suggest there should be a penalty if you do this as it is very frustrating when this happens (has happened 5 times to me in 3 days now). That their dino either is forced to stay in-game, or with a Waystone that you must safelog to accept it. I am not sure if there is a fix to the instant logging but it is becoming a major concern now in each hunt.
Comments: 3
09 Mar, '22
Alderon Kookaburra AdminThis is a game bug or exploit, you can report this here:
04 Sep, '22
Haggis SodaIf you combat log then you cant use that dino for set amount of time
or you get low health for 5 mins when you log back in. -
20 May, '24
TilishaI am a new paid player! I realized going into the game the growing/challenges I was up against! Once becoming active In the servers and playing numerous servers I have quickly realized that unless it is a server that provides a "fast grow" there is almost NO CHANCE to grow a carnivore Dino solo! I have tried to make friends and get involved "safety in numbers " but quickly observed how "toxic" and "unhealthy" the entire server becomes when a certain amount of players(normally the same players that group and bully) decide to run everyone off after they gang up and kill everything on sight! I am not a cry baby and actually just switched from RDR2 and consider myself a decent PVP player as well as having experience and knowledge in sucessfully running two separate crews over the last 5years but this environment is something I can not handle and actually just uninstall last night due to the way a young man was being treated... that's why people log mid fight...