Negativ and positiv Growth Stage bars.

6 votes

After passing a Growth stage, it should not get reversed back to the previous growth stage.

What happens when you die?

You get in to the negativ stage.

You get 1 negativ red bar each death.

You get a debuff which reduces your overall performance.

The negativ stage and debuff stacks up with each death/bar.

1bar=permanent negativ stage and debuff of Overall performance 5%.(Max. 25%)

What happens to the one defeating a dino?

You get in to the positiv stage.

You get 1 positiv green bar each kill.

You get a debuff which reduces your overall performance.

The positiv stage and debuff stacks up with each kill/bar.

1bar=permanent positiv stage and debuff of Overall performance 5%.(Max. 25%)

To refill the negativ and postiv bars you need to clear quests.

I believe this will prevent/reduce kosing alot.

Under consideration Game Mechanic Quality of Life (QOL) Suggested by: Nuvo Upvoted: 24 Jul, '23 Comments: 1

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