Nerf Alioramus stats
The aioramus is basically immortal because it lasts a lot, recovers very quickly, does a lot of damage with the tail. How is it possible that an aio tail hit does more damage than Albertaceratops horns? For example. The other day I played with my lambeosaurus and hit a balanced alioramus more than 15 times and it didn't even die, then a daspletosaurus arrived that I almost killed with 4 strokes. It is absurd what aioramus is capable of supporting. It is literally invincible. Not to mention its stamina that never ends.
Comments: 14
11 Mar, '22
Purple PoetAlio is already weak, what needs to happen is other carnis need a buff. Carnis like allo and das
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14 Mar, '22
KaponoFalconerThe only thing that Alio needs a nerf on is it's tail attack damage. Literally all Alio mains don't know how to use their teeth and jaws; I get that it's a safe weapon, but that's all Alio player use when fighting. Seriously, its annoying.
14 Mar, '22
ELALFAI would say reduce his stamina, he enters hits runs and recovers and returns again. but if you decide to chase him his stamina never runs out. can escape very easily
17 Mar, '22
SDThey so need a nerft, if they keep the power at least the ridiculous amount of stam should be taken away. Nothing makes sense when they can out stamina raptors to the point where the raptor cannot escape anymore due to their over the top amount of stam.
22 Mar, '22
Indoboi05Alio is fine as is, you deal good damage, you take good damage, simple.
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03 Jul, '22
foxloveralioram has already been nerfed like 8 times it needs more abilities tbh ngl
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14 Aug, '22
SplxffyIt's already weak lmao what u want more?
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24 Feb, '23
InsertNameHereYou’re absolutely right. Alio’s main issue is that it does too much damage and it heals ridiculously fast. All dinos should have the same heal speed.
24 Feb, '23
ObjectivelyObjectiveAlio definitely needs a nerf. Of course there’s people who play as Alio disagreeing because they won’t be op anymore.
05 Mar, '23
Cerealkillerim sorry what exact game have you been playing? because the one ive been playing Alio is sad shell of its former self, the poor leggy rat gets crapped on by every other mid teir. Lets wait till we get more abilities before we go screaming NERF NErF!!!
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18 Mar, '23
RykePVPThe alio needs a nerf. Idk why people think it’s supposed to be able to kill everything. It’s a light build. It’s not supposed to be tanky or strong. It’s just supposed to be fast. It heals way too fast and does so much damage. Honestly, it should be a one shot.
23 Mar, '23
chris durkinOther dinos need a buff. Alio isnt that impressive in battle when it comes against other adults. Have to run away mostly, or use tyrannic squad, like its designed.
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01 May, '23
TokkxWow? Isnt is the lowest carni in all tier lists?
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22 Dec, '24
TyAlready weak why nerf it even more