Nerf herbivores please
They are cool to play but it’s awful to be against them, they have a unrealistic power high especially as herbivores are mostly herd creatures, and carnivores who are known to be alone? They can’t hunt at all and heavily rely on corpses. Why are carnivores so forced to rely on something like that? Especially as carnivores are resorting to killing another in desperation of food. Please nerf this so it isn’t such a issue for players and less kosers are herbs mowing anyone down.
Comments: 9
03 Feb, '22
CryptidYesssss I have been killed by more herbivores than I have been by carnivores. No matter what I’m playing as. I hate having to turn tail and run because a single big kentro walked into view.
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25 Feb, '22
ShiinaMost carnivores are purposefully designed to rely on a pack to bring down large prey. It makes sense that a Daspleto would struggle immensely trying to kill a Stego or Eotrike without the help of friends. Not everything is a 1v1.
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02 Jul, '22
Spinexcarnivores in PoT are supposed to be weak unless in a pack.
also, i wouldnt call PoT herbivores "too strong" if they were even sorta realistic then 90% of the herbivores would destroy spino, and eotrike would 1 shot everything to the body except an ano -
23 Aug, '22
JjOnly time I’ve died to a carnivore in this game has iver been because it was an adult and I was juvenile or it had help from herbs and the herbs did all the damage and the carnivore land the last hit
23 Aug, '22
JjAnd as for carnivores needing a pack that should not be the case yes carnivores are pack hunters as it makes it easier with lower risk of injury but they could also bring down prey by themselves now as for the needing a pack for prey bigger then it ive seen small herbivores like kentro and styrackosaurs bully allosaurus which is definitely bigger then them
04 Mar, '23
Luv4DevsHerbivores just need to be slower and have less stam. A hefty styrac is as fast as a pycno, which is built for running, in PoT.
15 May, '23
Soulsplosionpath of titans is the only game I've seen where the herbivores are actually properly balanced to hold their own ground instead of being treated as living meatballs for carnivores
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27 Jun, '23
FuPmKSHerbivores need a speed and stam nerf. They shouldn’t be able to outrun carnivores that are built for running. It makes zero sense. That’s like if an elephant outran a cheetah….
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11 Aug, '23
DaleYes! It’s so annoying that the herbivores aren’t easily killed! Which make playing as a carnivore so boring, the game promotes semi-realism but yet a trike can take down a trex just by its turn radius and riding the tails. I think that hitting the tails need to be taken out as well! Over all the game doesn’t support solo players like myself which is really sad!