Allosours is too bad

14 votes

This is my favorite dinosaur and many have been waiting for it. But it is impossible to play as him because he is too bad and has too many disadvantages. It has a very bad turn and any dinosaur can avoid an Allosaurus attack. It also has a terrible rate of health and stamina regeneration. Fall damage is unreasonably high, why do dinosaurs that weigh more take less fall damage than an allosaurus?? It's even painful to talk about a claw strike. 3 second cooldown + stamina cost in exchange for 0 damage and bleeding. This dinosaur can't take damage even from small dinosaurs. Please balance the Allosaurus. For example, Suchomim has a good claw attack and bleeding even without a cooldown.

Under consideration Game Balance and Stats Suggested by: Mediva Upvoted: 02 Jan Comments: 2

Comments: 2