Increase Camera View
While I understand the developers might not be delighted with the idea of a further back camera due to that meaning you can easily catch ambushers, I believe moving the camera even a little back would help a lot for players.
Right now it's very annoying to play with the camera. It's hard to see quest items or your surroundings, or outside of foliage as a baby. I believe moving the camera back enough to help players while also inhibiting it from being able to see ambushers too well will help a lot, and I hope this goes under consideration.
(In the image below, there is an example of how ridiculous I believe the camera is, with it going only above the tip of the tail on max zoom).
Comments: 5
20 Jan, '22
PsylaentThe camera in this game has actually given me headaches due to how zoomed in it is. Adjusting it so that you can at least see the full tail of the creature you're playing as would be greatly appreciated.
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17 Mar, '22
ELALFAsomething that influences a lot is the amount of things on the screen, the hud, the minimap, the missions, the literal chat, we only have 35% of the screen to see around
29 Jul, '22
GuilhermeThe Camera really needs a zoom out option just as zoom in. This way we will have an improved camera viewing angle and we will also be able to better appreciate and observe our dinosaurs.
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07 Mar, '23
GrandblitzI also suffer from headaches due to the camera distance, can't play this game longer than three or four hours max before I get a migraine, and nausea thereafter. Really needs to be adjusted for accessibility's sake.
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23 Apr, '23
DBFOV slider should be there. It also helps ppl who get headaches and feel ill from too low FOV.