increased sound range for calls

5 votes

broadcasts should be heard from afar to allow players to locate others by sound alone as they draw closer, this is a more natural way to both hunt and locate a herd. 2 calls, 3 calls and 4 calls should be heard at a more moderate "middle" range so they can still be used for locating but will not give away your location to those at the furthest distance. finally f calls should be heard only at close range so players can make a soft sound if they choose.

imagine how in nature a bull elk broadcasts loudly to locate mates or claim territory, similarly wolves howl to find each other for miles around. this is how the game needs to be to create a more natural flow to the game rather than a purely mechanical way of finding each other by global chats. realism servers will definitely want to utilize a more natural sound system in the game.

Under consideration Audio and Music Suggested by: DapperWolf Upvoted: 21 Dec, '21 Comments: 0

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