Give Sarcosuchus Bone break
Currently Sarcos second ability is almost useless. The cooldown and low stam pretty much ensures that whatever gets bit can just run away and rest off bleed. Bone break would allow Sarco to keep up with its prey and escape attackers easier
Comments: 5
07 Dec, '21
FalseAdding to this via Comment
So i feel like the Sarco should have a bone break ability. because as an ambush predator it is very much a failure. you might land what 2 or three hits on someone but they get away and out-stam you. then you get to go back to the water with your tail between your legs because you can't catch anything because
1. they can hear you a mile away while you are submerged under water swimming towards them.
2. they out stam you and just run away cause you can't keep up.
3. Only real time a Sarco gets a player on player kill is if the two agree on the fight and or the Sarco/Spino bit off more than they can chew Realised fighting a Sarco in the water. (In the spino or Sucho's case) was a dumb idea but its to late and they die. -
07 Dec, '21
Falseyou have an apex predator that is quite literally the king in the water and suppose to be an expert ambush animal... Yet people can hear you from a mile away and even if you do get the drop on them you can't do enough damage to kill them before they leave you quite literally in the dust.
On top of that the predicted bite force of a Sarcosuchus is 18,000 pounds PSI. That at fully grown quite literally 9 tons of force snapping shut all at once. >_> why doesnt this animal have a bone break ability.....
Treat it much like the Desplato bone break if you have to it just needs a bone break. -
11 Aug, '22
DAXXAXXSeriously sick of dinos "briskly" walking away from a full charge bite.
12 Dec, '22
VastHeavy agree here. An animal with a bite force of this caliber should most definitely have a bone break.
I’m confused why the hell the Cerato has a bone break ability, but Sarco does not? It makes no sense. #GiveSarcoBoneBreak -
21 Dec, '22
Alphathe sarco is a Reptile