Growth Needs Some Touching Up

70 votes

While the system itself is quite nice and actively kills off AFK growth entirely, it takes way too long to grow anything at all. You can spend more than 6 hours questing on a Laten, which is just ridiculous. To not drive yourself insane, one have to divide your playtime into multiple real days, just for one creature. When you finally reach adulthood, you don't even want to continue playing because you feel so INCREDIBLY burnt out and exhausted from repeating the same monotonous task for hours.

I would increase the growth reward per quest tenfold, as the rate at which you grow per quest (plus the fact that group quests are divided amongst your friends which is only a measly 30 seconds of growth combined) is way too little. I'm here to play as a dinosaur, not grind for hours on end monotonously just to truly be a dinosaur and wind up too mentally drained or bored to even touch the adult I worked way too hard for.

Under consideration Game Mechanic Suggested by: Shiina Upvoted: 12 Mar Comments: 0

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