Accessibility option: Hold key to collect items
To go alongside the changes being rolled out for collecting quests items, I suggest that there should be an option to either have a toggle for collecting items, similar to eating or drinking, or an option to hold they key down to collect items.
This both benefits perfectly-abled players who simply feel that the new collection system doesn't feel as smooth as just quickly collecting a pile of items in a second; save your fingers the trouble, but this also reduces the need for repeated tapping which can be uncomfortable for people who have joint problems or general discomfort from clicking repeatedly, such as myself.
This could also be extended to holding down your mouse or number keys to attack, as naturally you will try to spam click to get the best damage output as possible.
Small changes like these can improve the game's accessibility while also providing quality of life changes for the average player.
Comments: 4
06 Nov, '21
MidI would love this so much, sometimes pressing Q in rapid succession for the 500 mark quest gets annoying as hell on my finger.
14 Nov, '21
PavI would suggest maybe instead of holding down the key, it works like campto eating fruit/nut piles? Tap Q once to collect a pile of quest items.
I have a wrist injury and think this would really help! -
26 Nov, '21
Lupapersonally, I'd like to see it made so you can still spam tap if you want, but you have to disable the auto-collect in settings first to do it
1 -
01 Jan, '22
AlexeiWhat if I told you this is already a thing? If you have a stack of acorns or flowers you can just hold down Q and it will collect the whole thing.