Rain Water Quality Buff
Water quality is in my opinion too harsh at this time. I know the devs implemented it to try and promote map movement but it frankly isn't working. And it heavily punishes many playables to the point they are being hard forced into diet options that slow their water drains (fat reserves) and discourages use of diets that give a faster water drain (scavenger). This is primarily due to how scarce water is. And it's only going to get worse as we're only at 100 player server, not the planned 200. I'd like to see rain's water restore be buffed to actually mean something. At this time, it rains for an absurdly long time but it makes very little actual difference to many water sources, giving too little water. While I do not know how much water is restored per rain storm, I'd like to see it buffed to around a flat rate of between 10K to 20K units. Spino for reference, credits to Burnt Cheeto for finding this and the attached map, takes over 1K units of water to fill up.
Comments: 8
01 Nov, '21
Burnt CheetoIt would help to know first how much water is actually restored during the average storm. With the different levels of rain, and the differing duration, it's hard to base any numbers off it unless we know the rate for each storm, and then find the average duration.
Increasing the amount restored per storm isn't a bad idea, but I'd rather see the water need of playables, and lake water value adjusted first. If after these changes water quality still manages to make surviving around the map difficult for large amounts of players, then maybe changing the water restored by rain could help
Even then the suggested amount could be too high, 10k is enough to restore a substantial amount of most of the large POI lakes on the map, and 20k will fill every lake that isn't SLL or Great Lake. Instead, an amount around 1-2k may be better, allowing small ponds to fill easily but not making large lakes undrainable. -
24 Dec, '21
MouseThe water system % really needs some work, for example no one creature that is currently playable should be able to move the Great Lake's water percentage. The Great Lake should always have fresh water, it is fed by no less than 6 different rivers/streams. Several large sized herds should put a dent in the freshness but that's it. It is deep enough and wide enough that it makes no sense that it can go from 100% to 0% because a few trikes and a spino decided to get a drink at the same time.
If the water level dropped with percentage in lakes, players would need to be constantly moving forward just to get a sip. -
14 Nov, '22
jaimeegamei love it and cool
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23 Jan, '23
PangoNow that Gondwa is out, this is needed more than ever. There just isn't enough freshwater, with most community servers increasing the amount manually just so players aren't always dehydrating. Buffing the rainfall would be a great way to balance water replenishing with travel.
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12 Feb, '23
EnvirobridgeDefinitely need to increase the amount of water in the sources over the time it rains with an increase in the total amount of water given to the sources over the rain time.
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18 Jul, '23
jaimeegamei love it in game :)
24 Oct, '23
Chi1701Should just remove water quality from the game, but unfortunately, my idea would be far to difficult to implement, as in, instead of quality dropping, the water levels decrease. Since water is everwhere and simple mesh (flat texture can be seen if can see under map).
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21 Oct, '24
PRDAll the comments here are spot on. Water depletes far too quickly, making it tough to manage. It would be great if rivers replenished faster, since they're constantly flowing. Also, it would make sense if water quality upstream wasn't affected by drinking downstream. On top of that, larger bodies of water, like lakes or reservoirs, shouldn't deplete as quickly as they do now for the sake of realism.