Increase penalty for having a broken bone

11 votes

In life, a broken bone is often a death sentence, and I think that bone break in game should be scarier to match this, but not replicate it.
A suggestion I have to make bone break scarier, and to reduce reckless combat, is to introduce a long term debuff to an animal that has suffered bone break. This could be 10 minutes of slightly slower movement, and only being able to heal to 80-90% of full health, until the debuff ends. This debuff should not recover faster while sitting/sleeping, and reset or stack when more bone break is endured.

Hit once - 10 minutes of slower movement, only able to heal to 90% hp
Hit again once before debuff is over - 15 minutes of slower movement, only able to heal to 80% hp
Hit three or more times - 30 minutes of slower movement, only able to heal to 60% hp

Under consideration Game Balance and Stats Suggested by: Anonymous Upvoted: 12 Apr, '22 Comments: 6

Comments: 6