Lambeo Heal Call Working in Combat

15 votes

Title says it all. Lambeo's voice ability heals, but not in combat where you would logically need it. This makes Lambeo's ability feel really....well useless. It makes using the call very situational, like only when you've taken fall damage or when you've ended a fight (whether you lost or won, and if you lost that probably feels really bad). To make matters worse, since the ability doesn't work in combat timer, all it takes to invalidate the ability completely is just biting them once. That's not good.

So, I propose Lambeo's healing call work through combat timer, making it genuinely useful outside of the specific situations where it could be used. Alternatively, you could give it a separate voice ability that heals less, but can be used in combat. Something. Just so long as it has some form of healing in combat, otherwise it's not that worthwhile of an ability if it can be so easily be invalidated.

Under consideration Game Balance and Stats Suggested by: blub Upvoted: 21 Jan Comments: 1

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