Anodonto: Fat Reserves and Tail Attack Rework/Buff
To get this out of the way: I think Ano should have access to Fat Reserves, as it would obviously help prevent dying from starvation and ease the stress of looking for food with it's fairly slow mobility.
Plus most other herbivores have access to it.
Ano Tail Attack Rework:
I believe Ano's two tail attacks should not share the same 3 second cooldown when the leg break swing is used. It results in an immense dps decrease as you attempt to juggle between the two attacks during combat. Which makes it very punishing to miss the leg break, which I've found isn't very easy to hit to begin with (which is understandable to a degree, though I've found that quite often I miss when contact was clearly made).
I also believe the Ano would benefit from a simple increase to the base damage of the basic tail slam to give it a better chance in a fight, especially against multiple attackers where it struggles the most.
Comments: 30
03 Nov, '21
TunnelratFat reserves when?
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04 Nov, '21
RadtilleryAno has in-game relatives with fat reserves, so it's only fair ano does as well.
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04 Nov, '21
RareDinoTwin2Your right, Anodonto needs Raw damage buff and Fat reserves.
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06 Nov, '21
DuncanDinoTwinsAnodontosaurus can’t really effectively fight off group of larger dinosaurs. I think Anodonto should be type of defensive herbivores that shouldn’t really worry about enemies in my opinion.
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06 Nov, '21
OrcaThe fact that Ano can’t even fend off the shit that wants it dead or get Fat Reserves is baffling so yeah, Ano damage buff
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06 Nov, '21
CassioPejaZofc should they need to worry about other evil dinos just as everyone else...but given the fact that every other Herbi can disengage a fight..(ok maybe not Eo and Iggy but they have the dmg output) Anos dmg should get buffed...atm its so small dmg carnis doesnt even bother getting hit a few times..and since u need to be in crouch to migate the dmg, u cant really do much if u up against multiple enemies. 1 on 1 Ano can do alot since u just need to focus on 1...2 vs 1 and more thats there the issue comes, with that small dmg :)
Not saying Ano is weak...he really isnt if we count everything, but if we look purely on dmg then he is the weakest of the mid/higher tiers wich is a hell for a dino that cant escape the fight, he must win the fight or die, there is no other option.
And yea he need Fat reserves, his run speed is everyone elses walk speed kinda wich is logic considering his weight and size, but he suffers from long fights and his low speed. -
07 Nov, '21
DokeStop spamming the link for this suggestion in the discord.
07 Nov, '21
TunnelratPosting it on average once a day or when discussing exactly said topic does not make it spamming doke. Not sure why you are so hyper salty about this.
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08 Nov, '21
TangoAno unlike other herbivores can’t defend other members of its group. If there’s a group of 3 Anos each one has to properly defend itself without the help of the others. This is the difference between Ano and other herbivores and why Ano should be able to fend off more then just 1v1.
It can’t run, it can’t fight, it can’t defend others, it can only crouch and hope all ends well. <- this just makes it not viable or fun.
*Damage increase
*Attack debuff call (Intimidation call) -
12 Nov, '21
BellorousI wholeheartedly agree to these changes, while having forager does help, fat reserves would be a game changer for Ano. As far as the club damage, I definitely agree to at least the down swing ability getting a damage buff, as the stam cost doesn't make up for the poor damage (as well as it being hard to land); on top of bone break not being that punishing.
Also, I don't know if anyone else feels this way, and I'm very open to discussion, but Ano feels too vulnerable to bleed. A stego, or any other bleeder, can just stand there and stack bleed on an ano and walk away to heal. Meanwhile, the ano isn't able to run away and go to sit since there is no reason the attacker can't just follow the ano and keep the bleed- especially since the def buff is gone at that point. I feel like Ano needs a bit more bleed resistance during the def buff or at least have a hide ability that ups the bleed resist. I'm not making this a suggestion just yet, because I may be the only one who thinks this way. -
02 Dec, '21
DuncanDinoTwinsAnodontosaurus at the moment I’m writing this, is very hard to play, for an example I don’t know when I’m gonna get ambush to anything strong or packs so I’ll just stay away from populated areas, later on I’m in deep lake and a pack came middle of nowhere said “Anodontosaurus is weak and don’t worry, it isn’t going anywhere. >:)” meanwhile I’m getting my defense crouch ready soon as possible after I got ready the pack start attacking me, and so I’m fighting hard as possible hoping I’ll survive. 10 minutes or more later they gave up and cried away. (Me: Wow anodontosaurus really needs raw damage buff and fat reserver… I need food and water VERY badly.)
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06 Dec, '21
DriveAgreed. The fact that it's a well-known tactic to just harass anos until they die of hunger or thirst is proof enough that they need some help. Once you're seen, that's literally all it takes since you're forced to sit in place. A pack of things basically seals the deal. With most other creatures you can either disengage and flee or have the strength to defend yourself if you're not fast enough , which is good balance. With ano you are stuck tight and if they realize they can wait you out til you starve, you're finished no matter what you do. A truly frustrating experience when you're absolutely helpless like that.
Make that tail frightening and give ano some help when it comes to attrition. -
06 Dec, '21
MrSinnistarAgree with all here.
Maybe also make it able to keep the turtle buff while moving in crouch. It'd be slower than dirt but it could give it some options in combat, even if it means crawling over to a bush to sneak a bite to eat or to drink while surrounded. -
14 Dec, '21
NashiFat reserves is also good for dinos who want to camp the ano to starve it to death
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18 Dec, '21
Country_CalI feel the anno would benefit as well, to making it so that when you crouch and engage the defense buff the camera follows the tail so that you can see what your tail needs to hit as you rotate on the spot to defend against a threat.
22 Jan, '22
Takata_CherokiI agree with Country_Cal - it would be nice if there were a way to X-turn with the tail, not the head, locking to direction the camera is facing. I'm sick of getting killed because of others just circling me and forcing me to do an awkward dance to try to keep track of them while keeping my tail towards them.
27 Jan, '22
GhostFishAno does not need fat reserves. Its food drain is perfectly fine because it keeps a war of attrition from turning into an endless cycle of (how many bites is it gonna take) ano also does decent damage. Maybe it could use a slight buff there but otherwise it's fine.
10 Feb, '22 needs some kind of work done on its stats. Clearly many of the players have the same notes about food drain, damage output, and running speed. It is the only dinosaur in the game that has to deal with this issue which makes it a target for every other Dino in the game. Attrition is not fun nor is it fair. Another annoying thing that happens, is killing a few members of a pack that’s attacking you only to have them rush back and continue the onslaughts because ano is incapable of leaving an if there’s someone watching it and waiting for it to move. I’m essence players get to die during battle and come back rapidly without penalty of losing their prey. How is this fair seeing that you recently Banned revenge killing. Isn’t that a type of revenge kill? Please consider buffing some of anos abilities so that it can properly defend itself without needlessly dying because of starvation
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20 Mar, '22
ELALFAit needs more damage, because it withstands a lot of damage but without being able to kill anyone, what is the point of enduring a spino if you will die the same? For that, I think that he should be able to move in defense mode and that way he would have more opportunity to kill at least one attacker whose bones he breaks. my summary is that anodonto supports not to kill anyone and die of hunger or too many attackers
11 Jul, '22
HonkAt the very least, let the damage reduction still work even while Ano moves while being crouched.
16 Jul, '22
Irish CloverThis is dumb ano does not need another buff it can already take on 50 people at once
05 Dec, '22
MaverickAKThe absolute last thing the Ano needs is a buff to its food reserves or a tail damage boost. Right now, the only effective way to kill a hunkered ano is to starve it out or somehow kill it with a long tail attack while staying out of range (Only a select few dinos can even do this). Any boost to fat reserves means that they can survive that much longer with an already colossal stamina pool, completely mitigating the only counter to their endless assault with a 90% damage reduction.
20 Mar, '23
AdeonI have to disagree with MaverickAK. Starving something out is NOT a fighting strategy. It is a cheap move that requires literally no skill or effort on anyone's part. It 100% sentences the target to death. In fact, I would promote some kind of debuff on the attackers. If the Ano is not killed within, say, 10 minutes, then the attackers will not be able to do any damage to the Ano for a considerable amount of time, to allow it to refill its stomach and water storage.
If you cannot kill the Ano, then your strategy is flawed or you are not the proper dinosaur type to do so anyway.
I do agree that Ano needs some help in its pinned down position. Maybe give it a considerably slower food and water drain while crouched, under some kind of status effect and/or in the proximity of carnivores. -
23 Mar, '23
SpexxxI disagree to you
ano is strong enough with his 90% damage reduction when he s crouching
the only reason you want this buff/ rework is,because you are one of those, who wants to fight 1v5 as an ano and abuse this damage reduction and high damage output !
The only way to (kill) the ano is a army of 5 rex or sarco`s OR wait until he has to move BECAUSE HE`S HUNGY.
I support the argument of @Irish Clover here -
25 May, '23
Muhammad2204It’s just a skill issue not being able to fight multiple enemies with Ano and if you use em properly ano is op
26 Jul, '23
JP FourieI main on Ano and the amount of times i need to run to a bush is endless. I understand food and water drain when running but at times im in hunker and literally die of starvation as fights with the ano can last 10 to 20 min after youbstart starving. Its already consuming alot of stamina in its attacks making it hard to even try fend off one attacker. After the last update all dinos stam and food have gone horribly wrong.
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07 Jan, '24
Nicolas valdesAnodino is way too strong no way u wana make that dino stronger make no sense is too small to be so strong i say nerf it and make it less tanky this op dinos need atleast to Bee weak to hunger and thirst so you dont always see mega pack of skilless players rampaging servers i think playing apexes should be much more punishment and they should loss more growth in death also those apex megapacks are fun but at the cost of the rest of the players give them even more hunger so they are only playable in smalls groups or 2 or 3
10 May, '24
JDCondorAs an Ano-Main i can say that the only buff it needs is slower water drain. Anos lose a lot of water in a relatively short time which often enough makes them incabable of fighting as long as they need to for the enemy to bugger off (I've literally died to thirst while fighting of 2 rexes without taking any major damage from them in turn). I've easily soloed against 2 apexes as long as i had enough food and water.
Anos AoE tailslam is also absolutely brutal and has almost no CD, u don't need to bonebreak your oponent to make them reconsider if you make a good meal or not because hunkered down more or less nothing will stay next to you for long when you start tailslamming. -
06 Oct, '24
FangIt takes 2 rexes to take down a single anno...
Imo, anno needs to be nerfed, not buffed.
Tail slam aoe needs to be smaller. I should be allowed to attack the head of the dinosaur if I can out maneuver it without taking damage.
If you're going against a huge pack then yes, you're going to die. Anno is a tanky dinosaur but it shouldn't be unkillable. -
29 Oct, '24
Jiggy AdminAnodontosaurus is definitely planned to have a TLC in the future that will address the primary concerns with this dinosaur. Thank you for the feedback!