Area names on the map and better map movement.
Would be nice when you open the map it shows each areas name, and being able to move the map view would be better than just zooming in and out.
Comments: 2
02 Nov, '21
TaliBooniI would like to see this be a thing too. Maybe not EVERY area name, but honestly even some would be nice. And being able to zoom out of the map ALL the way, or at least just click/drag around would be good. Because right now, with myself and many others not having Duel screens, having to constantly risk being killed by another player while we tab out and check map locations is tedious.
30 Nov, '21
LeelaTo be fair, even one of most popular MMOs - WoW you have to bring up your map and risk getting killed.
What I would love to see if when you open your map you see the zone boarders and names. It would make questing MUCH more enjoyable as well. I'm constantly finding myself going in and out of a zone failing and not failing back and forth on my quests cuz I don't know where the boarders of the zone are.