We NEED More Character Slots
Dinosaurs keep getting added at a rapid pace, and that hugely appreciated . I for one have played far too many EA dino games that take ages to release any new playables. That being said, I am tapped out. I can't make any of the new stuff that comes out without losing progress on my other dinos. I don't understand the reasoning behind even having a cap. Please add more slots when you release new dinos.
Comments: 2
01 Nov, '21
VividskyI'm sure the devs would love to remove the cap if you're willing to pay for the servers costs of people having 1000 characters each
20 Jan, '22
LycaenopsI think allowing people to have a maximum of 1 per species of dinosaur would work. For example, you can have 1 of each playable but have to choose your subspecies wisely as you can only have a single one (you’d have to delete and restart with a new subspecies if you wanted to change it).