Buff Daspletosaurus
Buff the Daspletosaurus' damage. sprint speed, and stamina pool.
It's too weak to fight against Suchos, Stys, and Ceras. I understand that Daspleto isn't suppose to be a T.rex, but it needs to be at least strong enough to contend against other mid-upper tier dinos like the previous ones I listed that it will constantly lose against.
Bone break is fine as it is. It does its job well.
Comments: 2
26 Nov, '21
BeyonderGodIm for it!
10 Dec, '21
PoloppyThe Dasp already has the bone break ability which makes it able to fight larger creatures. It shouldn’t be able to take on Suchos and Stys easily. It’s damage is already pretty strong. I think the issue is actually that the Cera’s damage is a little too high. The Dasp stats seem fine as they are.