Camptosaurus Unique Ability
Adding an exclusive Ability to Camptosaurus.
A Scooting Ability in the minimap Area for Camptosaurus could make this dinosaur a very important group member in herd.
This Ability would ping Carnivores for all the Group members.
Of course such a Powerfull Ability would cost a lot of Marks and having a long couldown and casting Time.
Comments: 5
21 Oct, '21
LycaenopsThis would be a negative addition for any player that likes to play as a carnivore. It would effectively ELIMINATE the ability to stalk and ambush prey. Why ruin carnivore gameplay? Seems too OP…
21 Oct, '21
RUTHVery good idea campto can get a away before predators find them.
22 Oct, '21
CarBo_1993Lycaenops Hello, I understand you argument, that's why I said in my Suggestion that the Ability would have a long Casting Time, a long Couldown and a Very High Price.
22 Oct, '21
RUTHAn yeah maby 3 seconds of the ability
25 Oct, '21
UnknownThis wouldn't be a good ability especially bc of people who likes to Kill carnivores out of random and no reason at all