Give Alio Bleed and a Buff
I want to get into talking about one of the issues I have surrounding a dino I had once mained, the Alioramus. I loved this dinosaur with all my heart at one point and felt it was completely underrated and underused. Now it truly isn't even a dino worth using past just for looks. I genuinely want to know where the decision came from to take down its damage. I've seen more people talk about Alio needing bleed, a buff in general, and instead you take away its damage and render it almost useless. Please, while I'm not a begging person, I beg now for you to reconsider this decision, give Alio more damage, give it the bleed it once had in the PTB. Alio needs the love, not to keep being brushed off to the side. I want to be able to use my main dino again and actually feel like I'll have a chance of surviving instead of where it's sitting at now. (Photo courtesy of my friend)
Comments: 24
31 Oct, '21
WavyI totally agree, alio is a complete joke and is free food for even a single raptor. It needs bleed, it is not what it’s meant to be without better damage or bleed
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03 Nov, '21
EthanI agree it needs a bleed or a damage buff, it's supposed to be a hit and run tactic dino, but you can't do that when you can't put out enough damage to mid tier dinos to compete with their speed, bleeds, or raw damage.
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10 Dec, '21
PoloppyThe Alio stats seem fine as they are. It doesn’t need a buff. In comparison to other mid tiers, it still holds up in combat. I’ve had no trouble fighting as the Alio. It shouldn’t be overpowered, in terms of damage, because it’s not a heavy hitter in the first place.
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10 Jan, '22
DragonbornAlioramus's only current strength is being able to run fast. Something that deinonychus and latenivenatrix do as well, but even better than he does because they have bleed. So unless there's some new ability planned for him to do exclusively, I see zero reason as to why someone would play it other than just run around scavenging (which they don't even have the scavenger ability! LMAO) If they're a hit and run dino like Ethan suggested, why would you pick him over deinon/laten? He's not tanky, he deals no damage and not even deals bleed.
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11 Jan, '22
HaviLunaHonestly Alio is good as it is. I understand small raptors having a bleed with small damage input. But dino as big as Alio would be a joke. Its tail damage and bite damage is good enough.
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03 Feb, '22
Purple_PoetI agree to an extent. It would be nice to have bleed but it doesn't need a health or damage buff. In my experience, if you're running with a pack of at least 3 you take down an allo
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09 Feb, '22
HathAs someone who has been smacked to death by Alio's on a regular basis - Alio is fine! On the flipside, a friend and I took down a full defence Allo on our balance Alio's.
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19 Feb, '22
WynterI have to agree i LOVE LOVE LOVE playing alio but it really sucks that you do no damage no bleed and you can get face tanked by a laten XD
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01 Mar, '22
ELALFAAlioramus is broken, on the contrary it needs to be Nerf . The stamina never runs out, it hits too much with the tail (even more than albertaceratops with its horns which is absurd). Alioramus is very fast, does a lot of damage, endures a lot of damage. 3 alios are enough for 1 Eo Trike, when 1 Eo trike is enough for a spino. As I see it, he doesn't need any more weapons. The balance would be that it withstands a lot of damage but does little damage or that it does a lot of damage but endures very little. It is absurd to see how 3 alios feel 1 minute and are ready to return to combat and end everything.
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17 Mar, '22
SDI don't agree one bit, alio can run for fecking ages, it will just pester large herbivores that try to eat, escape, heal fast they are to strong for what they are
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31 Jul, '22
Snoopy DogAll theropod dinosaurs with recurved teeth should cause at least some amount of bleed. More bleed for Tyrannosaurus, Dasplatosaurus and Alioramus, two of which cause crushing/tearing wounds that would bleed profusely! If you want to know what dinosaur would cause a terrible bleeding wound that would be Eotriceratops! Eotriceratops teeth and beak were perfect for shearing flesh, not that you would bleed out from those long horns.
16 Aug, '22
Ne0nlobsterI agree! At the very least, they need some kind of low damage bleed ability. The talon rake from the Struthi comes to mind.
Or give their bite a percentage chance to cause bleed. We don't want these things to be OP again, but they DO need some rebalancing work! -
15 Nov, '22
AtroAlio need a health buff asap. Its kinda ridiculous how its 10 times larger than a Laten/Deinon but having less health than them. Taking into consideration the amount of mods added to servers (Carno, Dilo, Utah) – less and less players are choosing an Alio which is just a shame considering it’s a fascinating creature with a great potential.
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16 Nov, '22
Warrior26I do and don't agree with this. I play and main as alio and it's specifically made as a pack dinosaur. The tyrant roar is enough to help alio in fights and against rexes even if you get a large enough group that is coordinated. It may lack a lot in defense, attack damage alone, and health but the speed and stamina is what it needs in a fight. However. Alio needs its stam rebuffed. Their stamina cant outlast any mid-tier dinosaur whatsoever. Allos single-handedly can out stam an alio if you're about a quarter down in stam which is what a tyrant roar takes. Let alone metris, concs, pachys as of the new update, ceratos, latens, and deinos. Alios are built for speed and distance. Not damage/bleed or taking hits. All that would be nice is for the stamina to be larger than it is now. Not godly like it was before the nerf but somewhere up there to give it an actual chance and give players who once loved this dino the ability to replay it.
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20 Dec, '22
Alphathe Allosaurus already has a bleed attack the bite should do heavy bleed damage and the claws
20 Dec, '22
Alphathe Allosaurus's defense and damage needs to be increased .
20 Dec, '22
Alphathe Allosaurus doesn't do much damage there is nothing to nerf untile they fix it
26 Feb, '23
SharkfingamesAlio is already overpowered as is. Do not give it a buff. It heals way too fast, has decent health, and does a lot of damage. It’s needs a nerf more than anything. I’ve played as the Alio and wiped out pretty much everything. It’s not supposed to be able to kill apexes or even other mid tiers but it can do both of those easily.
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21 Mar, '23
Envirobridge98Slight bleed would be good.
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14 May, '23
crikibleed no bro, alio its a tyranosaurid bleed mechanic its not for him, i dont agree with this
31 Aug, '23
ShinyBlueDragonI do not agree with this, the Alio does not need a bleed buff if ANY buff at all it's a health buff to get it on pair with the other raptors which all of them have more health.
19 May, '24
SGSAlio definitely needs TLC. I main it—it’s literally all I play—and it…honestly sucks. I love Alio, I really do. The speed is great, I love how it looks, and the stam is reasonable. But it has a lot of problems.
Right now alios only have two attack options, and almost no abilities. (Seriously? 5% turning?) It it only takes 4-5 strikes for most things to kill me. (It takes an alio ~8-10+ strikes to kill anything bigger than a chicken.) Also, Hatz can pick alio up and drop them, which is not only unrealistic, but very frustrating because alios are basically dead as soon as they’re snatched. “Prey” items such as camptos, chickens, and pachys have become our “predators.” Camptos can outrun/outmaneuver alios, chickens can pounce twice and we’re dead, and it takes pachys 8 strikes to kill an alio, and an alio 11 strikes to kill it. Alios have LESS HEALTH than chickens, and they’re what, 7x bigger?
For changes, it’d be nice to have a new attack option, some bleed, and more health (500-600). -
06 Oct, '24
FangCan't even use it as it's ment to be used, in a pack, because they nerfed it so hard into the ground.
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10 Jan
AphyI agree, alio right now is too monotone in skills. Though alio got such nice legs and very athletic on it, they shouldve add more skills on its legs. The tail gives no damage anymore, its main survival skills are only bite and run. They need to add some new skills such as dodge for an alio and kick, since it got better legs than any dinos. Even a pachy got it, so why not alio? Itll be better if they bring back alio health/weight, bc how come it got the same hp/weight as a conca? They are both different.