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Welcome to the Path of Titans community feedback board!
If you have suggestions, feedback, bugs, or anything else you'd like to see updated in Path of Titans, please add a suggestion to this board! Before making a suggestion, please use the search feature to see if it has already been posted and matches yours. It is easier to vote and comment on that post with your support!
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Thank you for playing Path of Titans!
If you have suggestions, feedback, bugs, or anything else you'd like to see updated in Path of Titans, please add a suggestion to this board! Before making a suggestion, please use the search feature to see if it has already been posted and matches yours. It is easier to vote and comment on that post with your support!
Please be clear and concise when providing your feedback and suggestions. You are welcome to add images, videos, and links to your suggestion to make it easier to understand.
Please note that posting a suggestion here does not necessarily mean it will be accepted or implemented, regardless of its vote count. Suggestions about modded content does not belong on this board, and should instead be directed towards the mods creator. Please ensure all suggestions follow the Alderon Games Terms of Service or they may be subject to removal.
Thank you for playing Path of Titans!
Increase sound distance for calls
One thing that gets me immersed is hearing all the dinosaur calls from a distance, but the range on hearing the calls is very small. It would be nice if the radius of ...
Silent Swim
Silent swimming ability for sarco, currently the croc cannot ambush properly from water without sounding like a locomotive. I'm suggesting it either as an ability or ...
New update footsteps
The new update made EVERYONES footsteps so quite and it doesnt make sense i should be able to hear an EO's or Rexes footsteps before they get close
Return the old Footsteps audio
The new audio is the worst you can't hear anything unless it's on top of you. So please bring back the old audio
Please Revert the Sound Changes Back to their Original Settings
The volume of the sound effects in the game have been decreased to an almost unplayable level.
Setting up a hunt or ambushing someone is near impossible now. By ...
Dinosaur Sound Rework
Most dinosaur calls sound like they're from the same few sample sounds and very few sound identifiable/unique. Many of them are hissy, tin-y, raspy and high pitched. ...
Semi-Aquatic dinos shouldn't make sound while swimming under water
game would be harder and also if u are playing as a sarco u can't ambush anything because it's making very loud sound
Remaster Dinosaur Calls/Sounds
Dinosaur call sounds in this game are a bit lackluster honestly. Deinonychus and Latenivenatrix sound like literal tiny birds. When we know that they were almost as ...
Remove/Change Loud and Repetitive Croak Sound Tyrannosaurus makes when Sitting
The particular soundbite Rex makes when transitioning into a sit is extremely overbearing. Not only is it repetitive, as eating produces this sound along with most of ...
Change Sound Travel Distance, Keep Sneaking Steps Quiet
Currently with the new update, both the distance at which sound travels was dramatically reduced, as well as crouch footsteps being silenced.
Footsteps ...
Too loud in the menu
The volume slider for UI does not affect the dinosaurs in the menu. They just spam their calls and it is VERY LOUD. Please let us shut the animals while we are in the ...
Ability to turn off certain sounds in audio settings
The quest noises, such as those for completion and progress, are very loud and bring you out of the immersion for the game. Additionally, I feel that they should go ...
Environmental sound design TLC
This may very well be planned for a polishing stage, but as it stands the game is nearly silent if you're alone and standing in the woods. Attention to the sounds to ...
Remove the sound of swimming under water
When playing as a sarco or other dino that can swim, it shouldnt make so much sound while swimming under water. If you thrust i can understand that it makes a sound ...
Give Deinony a better threaten call
As title deinony needs a better threaten call as its current one is not at all threatening.
Re-Balance Volume (Things are too QUIET)
With the recent lambeo TLC volume changes, you can't hear anything now unless they're almost on top of you. Places like Birchwoods and Brokentooth are useless, ...
Remove Jump sounds for Deinonychus and Latenivenatrix
As these 2 dinosaurs rely heavily on stealth and evasion solo or paired and when confronted with speedier dinosaurs it is vital for them to make a silent getaway and ...
Decrease range of audible footsteps (Not to be confused with volume)
The current audible range of hearing other people's footsteps feels too close. It doesn't feel accurate to me at all. I've talked to several other players about this ...
Add wounded scream
Have the character automatically scream loudly when it's been wounded in an attack.
1- functions as a distress call, and herd members will ...
Increased footstep volume/radius
Suggestion: Increase the volume and distance at which player footsteps can be heard
Reasoning: I've witnessed large dinosaurs entering an area nearby and making ...
Change Deinonychus 3 call
I noticed on the discord someone mentioned this already, but I'm going to mention it here. Deino's 3 call is not intimidating at all, especially when you compare it ...
sexual dimorphism regardless of skin chosen
please add either a model/sound/skin/animation difference for us to be able to tell male from female.
I would highly suggest a sound or animation added to make it ...
fix the sound bubble
increase the sound distance if you can see a dino you can prob hear it but no
Water Sounds
If someone is swimming in the water or under, it should make zero or little sound to dinos on land. If you are in the water it should be as it is.
This would make ...
Daspletosaurus Sound Rework/More Emotes
Daspletosaurus, in my opinion, sounds a bit too small for its size, and I don’t mean walking wise, I mean call wise. This is a 8-9 meter long tyrannosaur and it ...
Audio Falloff/Distance
FEEDBACK: Audio such as footsteps, roars, idle sounds and more should be adjusted
REASONING: As it stands currently with growth being recently added audio is of ...
Running through thick bushes and similar plants makes loud leaf crinkling sounds
As it is, foliage makes zero sounds when colliding with players. Having it so that when players run through bushes makes audibly distinct leaf crinkling and brushing ...
Environmental reverb in the map
I feel like the calls in pot doesn't travel far at all in the map, one thing I loved about the isle legacy is that hearing a far off giga or spino just hit different. ...
Sarcos Crushing Bite noise in water
Sarcos Crushing Bite should make less to almost no noise during the night when hunting in water. I think that would give Sarcosuchus more character in term of its ...
Instead of lowering it they should add an ability to decrease sound when walking Because then what is the purpose of making your dinos make a sound when walking. By ...
Global Chat
I think the global chat in this game is what makes it quite toxic. Proximity chat would be a far better option, like how the game already has local chat. I have often ...
Soften Campto Chat Call
Camptosaurus’ chat call is now grating and loud, potentially giving away a player’s position far more than the previous, soft call. The suggestion is to either return ...
underwater swimming should be much quieter.
to be a stealth hunter, underwater swimming should be a ton quieter if not silent when not sprint swimming. it just tells any land dino close by that something lurks ...
Increase In Game Audio Volume
On PC the in game audio is way too low by defaut. You can't hear other players footsteps or the ambience unless you crank the volume. A general volume increase for ...
Less Sound/Footsteps noise Perk as Ability for Carnivores
For a carnivore, it is generally very important to sneak up on prey, even for a T Rex. I generally find the footsteps in some middle dinosaurs too loud too. It would ...
The option to mute our main menu dino.
I don't want to always hear my dino screaming when I'm sitting in the main menu, I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. A simple toggle mute button would ...
Louder calls
I think most dinos should have louder calls. Conca's calls sound very good by the way! I hope the rest of the dinos will have a louder broadcast just like conca does. ...
Allow us to remove the ding, flash and woosh sound effects.
So. I muted my UI sounds in game, but I had the surprise to still have the infamous "flash, woosh, ding" and other sounds effects when finishing a quest, or missing a ...
Lower volume of own footsteps.
After the volume of other players' footsteps was lowered, now my own footsteps sound nauseatingly loud in comparison to the rest of the environment. If my own ...
Dinosaur Calls don't travel far enough & footsteps to loud
Would it be possible to at least make broadcast call travel Farther? As of now u never hear anything unless they right on you I think it would bring map alive more to ...
Option to remove the Quest Completion Audio
Have the option to remove the loud audio chime when you complete a quest. I have been playing PoT for years and this has always bothered not only myself but everyone ...
Audio Adjustment: Player Footsteps
Problem: Currently, our own footsteps are bound to our player model's feet, which can cause for some confusion, especially when the camera is zoomed all the way in ...
Quieter/Unique Footsteps for Dynamic AI
I can't tell what's a player and what isn't and when I think I've gotten familiar with their particular pattern and rhythm I hear one that sounds just like a player's ...
Revert or Modify Walking Speed/Audio - Walking is Too Quiet and Slow
Since the changes with how loud footsteps are when walking, I've noticed things I and a lot of other people don't like about it both in global chat and my inner ...
Mating Calls for Nesting (When Implemented)
Just like group calls, each individual dinosaur has a unique mating call (In the Vocal Wheel) that will only prompt members of their own species of the opposite sex ...
Remove Bird/Cricket Background Noise While in Open Ocean
The in-game background noises of bird tweets and cricketing make sense while on land or near the shore. However, these noises can be heard even far out at sea and ...
Latenivenatrix Sounds
All of this is about the Latenivenatrix:
Please remove the sound made when getting up from resting/sitting.
If you are crouched and jump make the jump silent.
Set ...
Rain Stopping on caves
When in a world generated cave, rain doesnt appear nor makes you wet, it should be silent and cave ambience!
Sarco Running/ Calls Remake
please ramake sarco running animation and calls, they are not immersive.
i didnt saw any crocs running like a dog
also about the calls, they are not immersive, ...
Can we give Deinonychus a more threatening aggressive call? it’s animation and singular bark isn’t very intimidating. maybe give it an aggressive hiss and puff its ...