Give us your feedback and make suggestions about the game!

Welcome to the Path of Titans community feedback board!

If you have suggestions, feedback, bugs, or anything else you'd like to see updated in Path of Titans, please add a suggestion to this board! Before making a suggestion, please use the search feature to see if it has already been posted and matches yours. It is easier to vote and comment on that post with your support!

Please be clear and concise when providing your feedback and suggestions. You are welcome to add images, videos, and links to your suggestion to make it easier to understand.
Please note that posting a suggestion here does not necessarily mean it will be accepted or implemented, regardless of its vote count. Suggestions about modded content does not belong on this board, and should instead be directed towards the mods creator. Please ensure all suggestions follow the Alderon Games Terms of Service or they may be subject to removal.

Thank you for playing Path of Titans!


Nesting is a feature in Path of Titans that allows a player to create eggs, and other players can be invited to be their hatchling.
Suggested by: Jiggy (20 Oct, '21) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 106
Pinned Done

Scent Tracking System

We need this to be added to the game in order for both carnivores and herbivores to survive, which adds a better game experience overall. Carnivores can identity the ...
Suggested by: Harry P. Nass (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: today Comments: 178
Under consideration Game Mechanic

Body Dragging System

Usually this would be for mostly Carnivores who wamna move their prey away from areas they know that might be hunting or populated areas I think the dragging ...
Suggested by: BeyonderGod (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: today Comments: 42
Under consideration Game Mechanic

AI Creatures

AI creatures and critters have been long anticipated and it would be very helpful for new players when growth is implemented and makes for more interesting gameplay.
Suggested by: Arbiter (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 64
Planned Game Mechanic

a little bit of time based growth as you go, but quests will speed up your process by a mile.

okay so for now the quests are a bit tedious, if you won't improve the amount of growth it gives you, then give just a little bit of growth over time, although it ...
Suggested by: NorthernZone (27 Nov, '21) Upvoted: today Comments: 79
Under consideration Game Mechanic

Shake animation removes wet skin

A quality of life/detail idea: the wet overlay skin from being in water or the rain should dissipate faster when you use the shake emote.
Suggested by: SmaViking (09 Nov, '21) Upvoted: today Comments: 23

Don't loose growth as full adult

Growth shouldn't be lost when full adult. It needs so much time to grow up and it is frustrating when you loose like 20 quests. There are a lot of people kosing, it's ...
Suggested by: Pizza (28 Nov, '21) Upvoted: today Comments: 118
Under consideration Game Mechanic

Placeable Map Markers

Being able to place marks on the map will be a big help especially since the map is so big getting lost or even of track happens easily so I think having marks would ...
Suggested by: Bruvwhy (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: today Comments: 27

Choose area for spawn

Add different areas, for choosing where you would like to spawn, instead of random spawning. Walking through the map needs a lot of time and not always there is ...
Suggested by: Pizza (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: today Comments: 37
Under consideration Quality of Life (QOL)

Carrying/moving of eggs/babies/hatchlings

Please allow us to carry around eggs and small offspring to move nest sites if needed. Crocs do it. Also its cute. :D (also possibly small dinos if you are a large ...
Suggested by: Breeish (22 Oct, '21) Upvoted: today Comments: 13
Planned Game Mechanic

Dino Suggestion: Titanaboa

Titanoboa is an extinct genus of very large snakes that lived in what is now La Guajira in northeastern Colombia. They could grow up to 12.8 m (42 ft) long and reach ...
Suggested by: Praiser (10 Jan, '22) Upvoted: today Comments: 53
Under consideration New Creature

Increase sound distance for calls

One thing that gets me immersed is hearing all the dinosaur calls from a distance, but the range on hearing the calls is very small. It would be nice if the radius of ...
Suggested by: Lord (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 18
Planned Audio and Music

Limited Refer-A-Friend Reward Opportunities

I believe a rework of the Refer-A-Friend system should be HIGHLY considered by Alderon Games. With the skins slowly rotating out of availability we run into these ...
Suggested by: Raymh (10 Feb, '24) Upvoted: today Comments: 33
Under consideration Game Mechanic

Bloodied Snouts On Carnivores and Herbivores In Feeding and Combat

Would be an immersive detail if dinosaurs had their snouts bloodied after eating from carcasses, picking up meat/fish, and after biting (herbivores and carnivores ...
Suggested by: Doke (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 14

Sauropod playables

We truly haven't had an official Sauropod to the game yet. I'll make the game experience much better for everyone especially Herbivore enthusiasts because if ...
Suggested by: Harry P. Nass (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 63

Passive growth with quests speeding up growth

Playing as a younger dinosaur would be more engaging if growth was passive, and doing quests just sped up the process. As it stands, the quests get pretty repetitive. ...
Suggested by: Poloppy (27 Nov, '21) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 27
Under consideration Game Mechanic

Game hours played tracker

Just like steam games I want to know how many hours of my life Ive spent playing this game. It's as simple as that lol
Suggested by: Mayhem (10 Dec, '21) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 7
Under consideration Game Mechanic

New Food Types; Cycads and Fern Trees

currently creatures like Iguanodon, Stegosaurus and Lambeo have very limited diets currently while also having to compete for the exact same food source. It would be ...
Suggested by: Vividsky (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: today Comments: 17
Development In Progress Creature Abilities Quality of Life (QOL)

Higher Render Distance for Dinosaurs

Players should be able to see each other from a much further distance instead of them popping in when you get near a certain distance
Suggested by: Lunar (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 13

Mating dance for nesting

Nesting has been anticipated for quite some time, with lots of speculation about how the mechanic will work, many players are quite enthusiastic about nesting when it ...
Suggested by: Alkazair (30 Nov, '21) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 16
Under consideration Game Mechanic

Pets in Home Caves

When Home Caves are out, I think it'd be a fantastic addition to be able to pick up AI creatures (e.g. platyhystrix, goniopholis) without harming them and having an ...
Suggested by: madceratophryid (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 15
Under consideration Game Mechanic Quality of Life (QOL)

Add Tarbosaurus in game

It would be interesting if they added the Tarbosaurus as tier 4 in the game, to give more variety.
Suggested by: Boika (02 Jun, '22) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 26
Under consideration

Add diplodocus to the game

Diplodocus is a magnificent dinosaur, as well as a nice addition to the game since we currently only have one sauropod.
Suggested by: DELTAHUNTER55 (23 Dec, '22) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 16
Under consideration New Creature

Silent Swim

Silent swimming ability for sarco, currently the croc cannot ambush properly from water without sounding like a locomotive. I'm suggesting it either as an ability or ...
Suggested by: James (29 Nov, '21) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 17

Kaiwhekea TLC ideas and references

Considering that future TLCs have been confirmed, I'd like to suggest some tweaks for Kaiwhekea. Currently, kai's design is incredibly innacurate, having lips ...
Suggested by: MartinX (04 Jan, '24) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 3
Under consideration Game Art and Animation

Stop nerfing raptors!

Raptors themselves do not need anymore nerfs! Those of us who main PvP raptor on official have finally been given an ability to make us viable against dinosaurs ...
Suggested by: Blackshook (14 Nov, '23) Upvoted: 08 Feb Comments: 40

Anodonto: Fat Reserves and Tail Attack Rework/Buff

To get this out of the way: I think Ano should have access to Fat Reserves, as it would obviously help prevent dying from starvation and ease the stress of looking ...
Suggested by: GenoBeast (01 Nov, '21) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 30

Raining inside caves

Can we please have it fixed so we can be inside caves or underneath a cliffside without having to look at the rain?
Suggested by: Peter Topp Østermark (15 Feb, '23) Upvoted: today Comments: 9
Development In Progress

Trait for aquatic creatures to drink dirty water

Reasoning: Especially aquatic creatures like Sarcosuchus are very reliant on the water ressource. It serves both as bait so that other animals come close enough, but ...
Suggested by: Not bugs, features (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 08 Feb Comments: 11

Therizinosaurus/Nothronychus as playable (in exchange for Miragaia)

If you check the stretch goal list of herbivore species planned for PoT, only Pachycephalosaurus and Miragaia left. Pachy is a nice addition since it will be ...
Suggested by: Kajetan (25 May, '22) Upvoted: 06 Feb Comments: 23
Not planned

Animal behaviour related quests! (Scent/territory marking, dust bathing...)

Most animals, both prey and predator, have various habits related to their hygiene and how they interact socially with those of their own kind or not. Grizzly bears ...
Suggested by: SunnyD (28 Nov, '21) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 15
Under consideration Quests and Achievements

Tyrannosaurus TLC ideas and references

Path of Titans Tyrannosaurus design has always been controversial ever since its release almost 2 years ago. Because of this, and the new wave of TLCs coming soon, ...
Suggested by: MartinX (05 Mar, '24) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 4
Under consideration Game Art and Animation

quest banking

quest banking is not an exploit keep it in the game or give us back the old auto quest claiming since its just waste of everyones time to claim quests manually for no ...
Suggested by: ebineppu (15 May, '23) Upvoted: 29 Jan Comments: 69
Under consideration

Recording/Replay feature

One of the biggest challenge our server, and other servers have faced, is the lack of a full replay/logging system for players to use in order to provide information ...
Suggested by: WWD Pnoodle5 (25 Feb, '22) Upvoted: today Comments: 15
Development In Progress Game Mechanic

Growth should be both time- and quest based

Dinosaurs should grow over time but grow way faster if they also quest. The current quests do not fit every playstyle and not every players expectations, so a hybrid ...
Suggested by: Tunnelrat (26 Nov, '21) Upvoted: 02 Feb Comments: 8
Under consideration Game Mechanic

Make Growth Shorter for Juvies

With growth now released, a lot of people are struggling to find it fun and meaningful. This is partially because certain features are not yet implemented, but I ...
Suggested by: blub (27 Nov, '21) Upvoted: 27 Jan Comments: 22
Under consideration Game Mechanic

Gondwa Logs Should be able to be stepped over and not completely stop us while running

The logs all over the ground on Gondwa forested areas are annoying and really shouldn't completely stop a dino in their tracks like they do. It's rage quit inducing. ...
Suggested by: DaezaSage (11 Dec, '22) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 15
Planned Map Feedback

Corpse Consumption Stages

Depending in the percentage of meat the corpse has, there would be flesh or just bones left. From a distance. The player will be able to tell if they come across a ...
Suggested by: Tytofi (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 08 Feb Comments: 4

Add a scent system, or a way for carnivores to track prey.

Being able to track and hunt other players from clues left behind, or a scent trail would go along way for predators to actively search for food and other players. It ...
Suggested by: J72 (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 16
Not planned Game Mechanic

Changing ingame profile image (avatar picture)

Unfortunately you can't change your profile image currently. I hope it will be fixed soon.
Suggested by: Gardarix (12 Aug, '22) Upvoted: 10 Jan Comments: 15

Add edible aquatic plants!

Add aquatic edible plants, or make things like lakeweed edible for unlockable diets. You can give this ability to deinocherius and other future semi-aquatic herbis. ...
Suggested by: Bellorous (27 Oct, '21) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 7
Under consideration Creature Abilities

Lambeo Kick Attack Return

Back in the 2019 Pot Crowdfunding video, Lambeo had a kick attack where it could use both legs optionally. If the tail attack damage gets nerf'd, that could leave ...
Suggested by: Tytofi (17 Mar, '23) Upvoted: 03 Feb Comments: 1

Sarco Raft

Please make sarco able to carry players on it’s back (small playables) while swimming, it’d be useful for crossing bodies of water like the great lake instead of ...
Suggested by: BlehBleh (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 29 Jan Comments: 10

Group name tags visibility

The name tags of everyone in the group should always be visible for every group member, no matter where the leader is. It's easier to find each other instead of ...
Suggested by: Pizza (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 9
Under consideration Quality of Life (QOL)

Panjura overhaul/rework, preparing it for future content/events, can't expand further with 1k limit.

redesign and make it larger:keep the feeling of a vast world and impression there's always something beyond even if borders stretching it out are mostly empty. ...
Suggested by: Luk4sH1ld (21 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 08 Feb Comments: 0
Under consideration Game Mechanic Map Feedback

First person view

Salty about fishing with spino
Suggested by: drinzjc (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 29 Jan Comments: 18
Not planned Quality of Life (QOL)

Dinosaur Growth

Growth will allow players to start as a baby dinosaur and grow to an adult over time. You must complete quests to earn growth, and earn marks to unlock new abilities. ...
Suggested by: Jiggy (20 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 09 Jan Comments: 43

Home Cave Banks

I'm not sure if this is already planned or not, but if not, please allow players to store their marks in their home cave. This will insure a secure stash of marks to ...
Suggested by: Rasmen303 (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: today Comments: 10
Under consideration Game Mechanic

Suchomimus Remodel/Touch Ups for Aesthetic Purposes

Accuracy aside, Suchomimus as a model visually falls short compared to the rest of the roster and deserves to be aesthetically on par with the newer models. Its head ...
Suggested by: Doke (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 04 Jan Comments: 10

Banked Quests are a Good Thing

I wanted to simply leave a comment in favor of the new banked quests system. I think it was a good addition and helps ease the frustration of solo players and group ...
Suggested by: Neisy (15 May, '23) Upvoted: 20 Jan Comments: 52
Under consideration