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If you have suggestions, feedback, bugs, or anything else you'd like to see updated in Path of Titans, please add a suggestion to this board! Before making a suggestion, please use the search feature to see if it has already been posted and matches yours. It is easier to vote and comment on that post with your support!

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Please note that posting a suggestion here does not necessarily mean it will be accepted or implemented, regardless of its vote count. Suggestions about modded content does not belong on this board, and should instead be directed towards the mods creator. Please ensure all suggestions follow the Alderon Games Terms of Service or they may be subject to removal.

Thank you for playing Path of Titans!

Stop nerfing raptors!

Raptors themselves do not need anymore nerfs! Those of us who main PvP raptor on official have finally been given an ability to make us viable against dinosaurs ...
Suggested by: Blackshook (14 Nov, '23) Upvoted: 08 Feb Comments: 40

Anodonto: Fat Reserves and Tail Attack Rework/Buff

To get this out of the way: I think Ano should have access to Fat Reserves, as it would obviously help prevent dying from starvation and ease the stress of looking ...
Suggested by: GenoBeast (01 Nov, '21) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 30

Give Alio Bleed and a Buff

I want to get into talking about one of the issues I have surrounding a dino I had once mained, the Alioramus. I loved this dinosaur with all my heart at one point ...
Suggested by: Dyitra (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 08 Feb Comments: 24
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Re-add Megalania tail attack

Currently megalania is kind of underpowered right now it has a weak fast attack and has terrible stamina and honestly the removal of it's tail attack made it easier ...
Suggested by: Volton (04 Aug, '23) Upvoted: 30 Jan Comments: 3
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

raptor pounce needs a nerf it is way to op

raptors are broken, 1 baby can pounce and kill an adult rex its absolutely absurd.
Suggested by: sijah (17 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 8
Development In Progress Game Balance and Stats

Amargasaurus needs a buff

Amargasaurus has being claimed by scientists to be as fast as an Rhino. I think it needs a speed buff for sure or it just needs to get its thick hide replaced by ...
Suggested by: Beastmaster23 (26 Nov, '22) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 8

Hatze feels broken now.

It was almost perfect the way it was released which is a rare thing in any game... Now it can hardly fly or stand a chance in any fight. For a creature that has ...
Suggested by: Moebius Wan (08 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 03 Feb Comments: 4
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Aquatic Dinos Shouldn't Drain Water While Inside The Water

Dinos that get to dive and swim either on the surface or while submerged shouldn't drain water as being in contact with water the skin would be absorbing water already.
Suggested by: LazyTitan387 (06 Jan, '22) Upvoted: 29 Jan Comments: 4
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Hatz peck barrage is way to strong

Please remove this attack or re work it completely so it’s not so powerful
Suggested by: Jp (19 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 29 Dec, '24 Comments: 0

Bring back old Metri

As some one who has played Metri nonstop, I was absolutely heart broken when I learned my beloved Dino was pretty much being taken from the game to be replaced with ...
Suggested by: Minushka (05 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 5

Bring back Spinos Chargebite

Bringing it back would be great for PvP on land and in water as Spinosaurus, because other Apexes except Deinocherius has better attack abilites fe: rex: facetank, ...
Suggested by: Vipspino (27 Sep, '24) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 8

Spino TLC-Water Buffalo

As of right now,spino doesnt have "much" going on kitwise, sure its tanky but thats not enough to encourage and active or fun playstyle therefore here are some ideas ...
Suggested by: SPspino (20 Nov, '24) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 6

Water quality should last a lot longer for bigger water sources

For small water sources, you got those correct, that will deplete faster, but significant water sources like the big lake that turtle Island is in the middle of ...
Suggested by: Jess (05 Mar, '22) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 0

Give Iguanodon A Quadrupedal & Bipedal Stance Toggle Ability Instead Of Charge Attack

I love POT’s Iguanodon but I can’t help but feel that it has wasted potential. I miss the old run animation & it needs buffs. I recommend getting rid of Iggy’s ...
Suggested by: Zar 'Okramai (26 Nov, '22) Upvoted: 01 Feb Comments: 15

Post TLC Deinonychus adjustments

After the nerf to Health, Combat Weight, and speed (through loss of subspecies, senses and hide) Deinonychus received in its TLC, the Deinonychus has become more ...
Suggested by: Lord_Dromaeosaur reply to coco (14 Dec, '24) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 12

Hatz hover change

The hatz' ability to hover and peck things is absolutely broken. It can literally hover above things and slowly peck them to death without any way to fight back or ...
Suggested by: SeriouslySlyGuy (21 Feb, '24) Upvoted: 08 Jan Comments: 7

Lambeosaurus front kick/back kick attacks

I remember seeing that in one of the development videos, Lambeosaurus had a back kick attack, and the dev blog states that Lambeosaurus is planned to have a back ...
Suggested by: Active Path Of Titans player (19 Apr, '23) Upvoted: 22 May, '24 Comments: 1

Rhamphorhynchus vampire bite should give food not health

Rhamphorhynchus Already heals so fast due to being so small so I think that it should get food from its vampire bite not health
Suggested by: Cheriot (15 Mar, '24) Upvoted: 02 Feb Comments: 4

Raptor Speed

It seems that Laten and Deinon speed and bleed have been nerfed. Those are literally the things that make these animals viable... and they were nerfed. I understand ...
Suggested by: Soot (16 May, '22) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 12
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Rhamph-Damaging Attack

I think the main reason people are having a problem is that the rhamp can't even defend itself against another rhamp it does 0 damage it should be able to do at least ...
Suggested by: Shaddoww (14 Mar, '24) Upvoted: 23 Jan Comments: 18

Increase Anodontosaurus club swing damage

While crouch is a very good tool of surviving for a long time, it has no effective way of fending off predators. Its bonebreak can be sit out while Anondontosaurus ...
Suggested by: Not bugs, features (21 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 24 May, '24 Comments: 8
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Buff Iguanodon!

I and many others have had just about enough of Iguanodon being an unviable dinosaur! Iguanodon is my personal favourite herb and i want to be able to enjoy playing ...
Suggested by: Zar 'Okramai (05 Feb, '23) Upvoted: 10 Jan Comments: 7

Thalassodromeus should not lose Stamina while Gliding

To help conserve stamina while in flight, Thal should not lose stamina while gliding.
Suggested by: Misery (10 Dec, '22) Upvoted: 28 Jan Comments: 3
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Ramph Combat

I believe Ramph should be able to fight each other, and upon release, micro raptor as well. They should only be able to do damage to things that have a similar combat ...
Suggested by: PressuredYeast (03 Jan) Upvoted: 2 days ago Comments: 5

Carnivore hunger

Can you reduce a hyper carnivores hunger drain? It's ridiculous you can go without seeing people and starve to death. Salt rocks don't fill you. Critters barely fill ...
Suggested by: Cobalt (23 Dec, '24) Upvoted: 28 Jan Comments: 10

Apex carnivores and herbivores are not respected and feared as they should be

I feel that apex are undervalued and are not feared as they should be, I am attacked more by small and medium carnivores than I hunt herbivores, when I play with ...
Suggested by: PaleoTitan (07 Nov, '23) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 1
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Nerf herbivores please

They are cool to play but it’s awful to be against them, they have a unrealistic power high especially as herbivores are mostly herd creatures, and carnivores who are ...
Suggested by: I (02 Feb, '22) Upvoted: 26 Jan Comments: 9
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Daspletosaurus Balancing Tweaks

Ever since Daspletosaurus was released as a playable creature its stats have been problematic, not being able to compete with other 3 slots effectively due to how ...
Suggested by: MartinX (07 Mar, '22) Upvoted: 28 May, '24 Comments: 5
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

winning/losing marks

either decrease the amount of marks you lose when you die/get killed by someone, or get rid of that feature. Because of how much points you lose every time you die, ...
Suggested by: Lgfourman (28 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 29 Nov, '24 Comments: 5

rhamphorhynchus second head slot.

This would help people with their main issue with rhamphorhynchus. You see, there IS an attack that does do something to other players. The blood drinker ability (not ...
Suggested by: Rhiannon (15 Mar, '24) Upvoted: 29 Dec, '24 Comments: 5

Nerf Alioramus stats

The aioramus is basically immortal because it lasts a lot, recovers very quickly, does a lot of damage with the tail. How is it possible that an aio tail hit does ...
Suggested by: ELALFA (01 Mar, '22) Upvoted: 07 Sep, '24 Comments: 14
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Allosaurus feels not balanced

FEEDBACK: Allosaurus feels too weak and not balanced. REASONING: Allosaurus (even as fully grown adult) can easily be killed by a Ceratosaurus. It feels not ...
Suggested by: Lila (07 Dec, '21) Upvoted: 18 Jan Comments: 10
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Alternative for Revenge Killing

I noticed in the recent patch that Hatz received a substantial nerf to it's stamina, namely due to people using them to return quickly to fights that they lost to get ...
Suggested by: Father Pretendo (23 Apr, '24) Upvoted: 18 Jan Comments: 5

Allosaurus Update and Tail Attack suggestion

1: Health +50, speed +15, Stam Recovery increase, Hatchet bite damage +5/+.5 bleed,reduced cooldown, claw attack damage +5, to balance with stamina cost unless ...
Suggested by: MichaelKrow (20 Aug, '24) Upvoted: 11 Jan Comments: 6

Nerf small raptors

I just watched a little Laten get an adolescent Rex to extremely low health. That’s a little bit ridiculous. I tried to help the Rex by attacking the raptor with my ...
Suggested by: Poloppy (03 Jan, '23) Upvoted: 15 Sep, '24 Comments: 7
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Increase Thalassodromeus Flying Stamina

When soaring, (as in not flapping your wings or making any effort to move quickly) you should not lose stamina. I understand that this may be a balance decision, but ...
Suggested by: Xeval (07 Dec, '22) Upvoted: 13 Dec, '24 Comments: 4
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Nerf the pachy

The pachys are too strong, they really ruin the Game at the moment. We cant play Alio, metri, cerato or even daspleto. You cant run from them, even with speed alio, ...
Suggested by: Pandinusregius (29 May, '23) Upvoted: 23 Jan Comments: 5
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Buff Daspletosaurus

Buff the Daspletosaurus' damage. sprint speed, and stamina pool. It's too weak to fight against Suchos, Stys, and Ceras. I understand that Daspleto isn't suppose ...
Suggested by: Zeal (24 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 10 Mar, '24 Comments: 2
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Reduce hunger/thirst drain in homecaves

While homecaves should never be an afk spot or safe from all stats, smaller dinos and those using the insectivore diet can't spend more than 5-10 minutes in their ...
Suggested by: SmaViking (28 Oct, '21) Upvoted: 13 Jan Comments: 0

Carnivore Diet & Food Drain Problems

Critters, even the really strong ones, don't give enough food! A Rhamp can kill a Dynamosuchus and it only fills up a quarter of your food. Why does a creature ...
Suggested by: Autumn (15 Oct, '24) Upvoted: 04 Feb Comments: 9
Under consideration Critter AI Game Balance and Stats

Buff Allosaurus and give it new ability.

In my opinion, Allosaurus is currently quite weak for its size, it has quite low health for its size, very low stamina and drains very fast. In addition, its damage ...
Suggested by: AoiMidori (10 Dec, '21) Upvoted: 20 Aug, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Let Scavengers Eat Fresh Meat

Why can't scavengers eat fresh meat? Seems a bit silly.
Suggested by: Autumn (10 Oct, '24) Upvoted: yesterday Comments: 1

Nerf the Alberta

The Alberta needs a major debuff. The thing does way too much damage and has a huge amount of stamina along with high defense.
Suggested by: Skjotr (22 Feb, '23) Upvoted: 15 Aug, '24 Comments: 1
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Meg venom hotfix please

With the recent update for the meg. It removed its ability to stack venom. Venom has no purpose now other than to apply the damage buff. It is impossible to stack ...
Suggested by: msglemons (15 Feb, '24) Upvoted: 30 Jan Comments: 2
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Nerf styracosaurus

I am playing an allosaurus and there is one herbivore that really stands out that everyone is playing because it is just simply that good. styracosaurus outruns ...
Suggested by: Bart (20 Feb, '23) Upvoted: 04 Aug, '24 Comments: 3
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Pounced creatures DO get damaged by the creature they are latched to

Why do dasps and ceratos heads go through lats/denons/rhamps when they are on their shoulder and the creature that is pounced cant defend itself?? That makes no sense ...
Suggested by: I_Shaddoww_I (11 Jun, '24) Upvoted: 10 Dec, '24 Comments: 6

Sarco Additions/Changes

Current attack: Description: Sarco should be allowed more attacks Outcome: Base attack and ripping bite equipped Reason: If dasp can have base attack, tail attack ...
Suggested by: OWildOne (08 Nov, '21) Upvoted: 20 Jan, '24 Comments: 3

Nerf Anky

The Anky is the only creature that is capable of completly smashing a Rex, I don't want the Rex to be op but normally if a dino is stronger he is also slower, ankys ...
Suggested by: Doomiii (21 Dec, '22) Upvoted: 16 Nov, '24 Comments: 6
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Spinosaurus thirst depletion rate

For such a huge and slow animal off the water (with a pretty slow metabolism) Spinosaurus has a fast thirst depletion rate, which compromises almost any other ...
Suggested by: Ripster (04 Nov, '21) Upvoted: 01 Nov, '24 Comments: 2
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats

Buff The Pycno

The Pycnonemosaurus as it stands is far too weak, its damage isn't good enough to justify the abysmal defence and the distinct lack of any add ons means that its base ...
Suggested by: James (17 Nov, '22) Upvoted: 18 Oct, '24 Comments: 6
Under consideration Game Balance and Stats