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Welcome to the Path of Titans community feedback board!
If you have suggestions, feedback, bugs, or anything else you'd like to see updated in Path of Titans, please add a suggestion to this board! Before making a suggestion, please use the search feature to see if it has already been posted and matches yours. It is easier to vote and comment on that post with your support!
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Thank you for playing Path of Titans!
If you have suggestions, feedback, bugs, or anything else you'd like to see updated in Path of Titans, please add a suggestion to this board! Before making a suggestion, please use the search feature to see if it has already been posted and matches yours. It is easier to vote and comment on that post with your support!
Please be clear and concise when providing your feedback and suggestions. You are welcome to add images, videos, and links to your suggestion to make it easier to understand.
Please note that posting a suggestion here does not necessarily mean it will be accepted or implemented, regardless of its vote count. Suggestions about modded content does not belong on this board, and should instead be directed towards the mods creator. Please ensure all suggestions follow the Alderon Games Terms of Service or they may be subject to removal.
Thank you for playing Path of Titans!
Shake animation removes wet skin
A quality of life/detail idea: the wet overlay skin from being in water or the rain should dissipate faster when you use the shake emote.
Choose area for spawn
Add different areas, for choosing where you would like to spawn, instead of random spawning.
Walking through the map needs a lot of time and not always there is ...
Bloodied Snouts On Carnivores and Herbivores In Feeding and Combat
Would be an immersive detail if dinosaurs had their snouts bloodied after eating from carcasses, picking up meat/fish, and after biting (herbivores and carnivores ...
New Food Types; Cycads and Fern Trees
currently creatures like Iguanodon, Stegosaurus and Lambeo have very limited diets currently while also having to compete for the exact same food source. It would be ...
Higher Render Distance for Dinosaurs
Players should be able to see each other from a much further distance instead of them popping in when you get near a certain distance
Pets in Home Caves
When Home Caves are out, I think it'd be a fantastic addition to be able to pick up AI creatures (e.g. platyhystrix, goniopholis) without harming them and having an ...
Corpse Consumption Stages
Depending in the percentage of meat the corpse has, there would be flesh or just bones left. From a distance. The player will be able to tell if they come across a ...
Group name tags visibility
The name tags of everyone in the group should always be visible for every group member, no matter where the leader is.
It's easier to find each other instead of ...
First person view
Salty about fishing with spino
Rain Water Quality Buff
Water quality is in my opinion too harsh at this time. I know the devs implemented it to try and promote map movement but it frankly isn't working. And it heavily ...
Subacuatic Home cave
Type of suggestion: upcoming Home cave
Suggestion: semi acuatic caves.
Explanation: the teaser video showed only caves for land animals.
Reasoning: it be ...
Anti mix-packing mechanic
Sometimes large sized Carnivore / Herbivore mixed packs using discord to meet up, at hot spots of the map for trolling purposes and kill all the players who are ...
Trample Damage & Friendly fire on babies
Trample damage is insane on some dinos such as Styracosaurus. You touch one of your own babies even coming out of a run and they drop over dead from full health just ...
Server Entry Queue
Just a way to confirm entry to a server, and just sit there and let it load until there's a slot available for you in the server. Because I know for myself as someone ...
Too many caves to maintain, and home caves inadvertently ripped characters out of their element
It's easy to see with a little time spent in game on each species; large and slow characters suffer greatly from the home caves new customization restrictions. That, ...
Display in-game friends at the top of the player list in the social menu
Just a small QOL suggestion. When you want to group with friends, you have to go search their name and invite them. Having friends who are in the same server as you ...
Reworked Friends list
I think you should be able to access the friends list before joining a server, in case you want to join them in game. To make it easier to find them, the friends list ...
Character Screen Sort
There needs to be some sort of sorting option for the character select screen. I read that they are supposed to be in order of creation but that is not the case. I ...
Adding In Game Clock To HUD
An in-game clock would be relatively simple to implement but incredibly beneficial for community servers that rely on schedules or certain behaviors at particular ...
Puddles that fill up when it rains.
When it rains, new water sources appear. Relief for the thirsty.
Maybe the rest of the time they are just dry. Or maybe even when they are dry they are hazardous ...
Decrease death penalty in baby dinos.
As a hatchling/juvenile, it can be easy to be killed by any larger player. Right now it takes a huge chunk of growth, effectively undoing an hour or more's work in ...
Marked/Named locations on the Map
I finding hard to memorize all locations in Path Of Titans Panjura map. Thats why my proposition is to add those on actual map (M key on keyboard) in game for better ...
Transfer to new map with existing dinos
I wanted to be able to goto with my dinos i already have and its not right that you have to make a whole new one and have to have cross-play on just to play on the ...
Movement Keys Automatically Stand/Sit You Up if Held
Holding the movement key swhile sleeping/sitting would automatically move you to the next resting position, and then stand up. Holding the movement keys while sitting ...
Leaving homecave immunity
Barely one day into the homecave update and people are already sitting outside of the homecave killing people who are stuck in the loading screen. Maybe we could have ...
Allow players to change their name
A lot of players love to get creative with names, however once a name is registered it cannot be changed, I feel that this needs to be added because i know some ...
Having corpses of players deteriorate into bones
So having the bodies deteriorate when eaten as well as overtime into bones would be awesome.
It would be also be awesome if the smaller carnivores and scavengers ...
Add to Player QoL by adding a filter and sort option in character menu
Add filter by type of dino, filter by age of dino (juvie, adol, sub, adult)
Add sort by alphabetical (dino or name), Sorty by dinosaur type
These would make great ...
Allowing the Randomizing Skin Option to Preview Potential Skin Combinations
As of this moment, we are only able to randomize skins on skins that we purchased already. I just think it would be really cool if we could utilize the feature prior ...
New Dinosaurs Emojis
Hello, here are my new Dinosaurs emojis suggestion for playable creatures in Path Of Titans :
- Yawning Call for Dinos
- Sniff Call for Dinos
- Sneezing Call for ...
Shake off water
It would be awesome if you could use the shake emote to get rid of the dripping water effect that you get after getting in the water.
Wider FOV/be able to zoom back further from your dino
This game makes me motion sick after only a short time playing, and none of the current settings seems to be able to alter that. I don’t generally get sick playing ...
Re-naming your Dinosaurs
When I play with a dinosaur more and more, I find myself building a personality and story surrounding that dinosaur and the name I put in on the fly doesn't fit ...
Dinosaurs change appearance depending on their abilties
Certain abilities can alter their appearance (for example, when a concavenator buys the dive ability it becomes more aquatic-like, dinosaurs with the paddle ability ...
Please prioritize character transfer between servers.
It's been over a year since Gondwa dropped. I've been waiting patiently but it's starting to reach the point I can't even play on Panjura any more even though most of ...
Better camera FOV
I understand fully the control or lack of FOV for PVP and immersion, however, the farthest back you can scroll the camera is still enough to trigger problems like ...
Diet Revamp ! With Visual of how it could look like
I personally really really dislike the Diet Ability slot, having to constantly run to your HC and swap youre diet back to another just so youre able to feel a little ...
Alternative view for flyers in character menus
With more and more flyers coming to PoT through both base game and mods, there’s been one small factor that I think could use some minor QoL changes.
Currently in ...
Toggled Sprint Indicator
Toggle Sprint is a great feature for console/controller players, but sometimes it’s hard to tell if it’s on or not. Some characters, such as Thalassodromeus, struggle ...
One cave for all dinosaurs
The goal of creating one cave for all is to push players to choose faster and smaller dinosaurs to collect currency. This will create a balance between the creatures ...
Add more content to singleplayer mode.
We wish the single-player mode had more content with AI dinosaurs and such. I think it's worth considering because this could encourage players to play more.
Reduce hunger/thirst drain in homecaves
While homecaves should never be an afk spot or safe from all stats, smaller dinos and those using the insectivore diet can't spend more than 5-10 minutes in their ...
Change Subspecies at a Heavy Cost
What if you were able to change the subspecies of your creature at a heavy cost of tokens? Or to make it an option you could do in your character menu, but only in a ...
HUD customization, Hide Mini map , Icons are too large, Hide Quests permanently option.
I would love to be able to hide the Mini map and the quests permanently once I reach adulthood, It would be great to have only food, water, and stamina on a corner of ...
Brightness & Saturation Sliders - Skin Customization
Currently, skin creation feels incredibly limiting, we only have access to 5 colors per color region and a lot of the time these regions are composed of the same 5 ...
It would be wonderful if we have opportunity to BUY MARKS into this game. It will help us to save our time and energy by collecting them. I would love to invest my ...
Zoom out camera angles for a lot of creatures
So many of the camera angles are way too close to the dino and with all the ui already there and more coming, it's getting hard to see your dino. It's hard to get a ...
Allow Kaiwhekea Scavengers to Eat Shellfish
It doesn't make sense that a Fully Aquatic Species like Kaiwhekea can't eat Shellfish on it's Scavenger Diet. Since all Carnivore Diets can already eat rotting ...
Increase Camera View
While I understand the developers might not be delighted with the idea of a further back camera due to that meaning you can easily catch ambushers, I believe moving ...
Option to change between bipedal and quadruped for Iguanodon, Lambeosaurus and Barsboldia.
As a someone who love Disney's Dinosaur, I would like to be able to run on four legs with my Iguanodon, so I think there should be a option for all hadrosaur where ...